Star Trek: The Next Generation, 7: Up the Long Ladder/The Emissary/Shades of Gray
Up the Long Ladder: Feeling Sick/Emergency/Signal Search - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Klingon Tea Ceremony - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Situation/Bringloidi Refugees - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Chicken/Quite Sure/Brenna - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Riker and Brenna/The Other Colony - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Foot Sex - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: I Got a Red Rose From the Wearin' o' the Green/Drop of the Creature - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Clones - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: The Meeting/Taking Tissue Samples - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: The Cloning Lab - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Terminal Fading/Shotgun Wedding/Hand Shake/Bringloidi, Bringloidi, Send Cloney on Over - Ron Jones
Up the Long Ladder: Three Husbands - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Enigmatic Message - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Boradis Destination/Probe - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Emissary/Uncomfortable Meeting - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Unfinished Business/The Argument - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Broken Glass/The Glove - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Exercise Program - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Wipe That Klingon Smile Off Your Face/The Oath of Bonding - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Cloaked Enemy - Ron Jones
The Emissary: The Option - Ron Jones
The Emissary: Meaning - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: The Wound/Strangest Feeling - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Situation/Riker Could Die - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: The Sample/No Error - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: All Negative/Persistent Bug - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Infection Spreads/First Waves - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Patterns/Dream State/Pinocchio/Tell Me More/Hug - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Shades of Pleasure - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Earth Boys Are Easy/Doubled Growth - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Shades of Sadness - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Isolated Memories/Vital Signs/Refocus - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Critical Condition/Shades of Conflict/Final Intensities - Ron Jones
Shades of Gray: Comedy: The Final Frontier - Ron Jones