

藓的歌唱 An Ode to Moss 入世却出尘的吟游诗人── 安溥 写给永劫回归后的大地 寄语万物生灵在战殇中刻下的伤痕 这也是一首感悟人在爱欲生杀的无限蔓延之后 回到生命之初的谦卑 于天地前心存敬畏的一则警示 anpu, the bard, grounded yet enlightening, To Earth eternally renewed does dedicate, Tribute to all souls scarred by fighting, After unending life and death, a regulate, To simpler life, a returning And humble respect for our world 这是继以毛蟹作为寓言,表达生死禅意的「ZOEA」及寄语童年感人至深的「外婆桥」之后,安溥的2020三部曲中最充满警世意味的终章。这首歌集结了她对于现世的冷冽凝视,藉由矜持的隐喻、诚心献给世人的一首诗歌。 Following the philosophical fable of “ZOEA” with its fable about river crabs, and the touching tribute to childhood “Nana’s Bridge,” this final chapter in anpu’s 2020 musical trilogy also serves as an urgent wake-up call to the world. This sincere piece is composed of sharp observations about our present, conveyed through the metaphor of the humble moss. 藓,原是如此不起眼的生物,如同生命之初总以简朴之姿出现,低调地贴紧地表、与世界的心跳共振,蔓延与扩张本是它们原始的本能,它们在闇夜中悄悄地呢喃着不为人知的秘密,以一种无人理解的语言。 In nature, the origin of life arises from the merest presence. Moss, an unassuming creature, presses humbly against the surface of the earth, echoing the heartbeat of the world. Although to spread and expand is a natural drive, it remains in the darkness, murmuring secrets in a language unfathomable to all. 那是生命的秘密,也是大地的秘密。那些在黑暗中漂游的孢子、随机的随机数,最后总有几个完美地降落在某处湿地之上的契机。生命最初的形式原如此微小、也如此不经意,却在昼夜的无数更替之后,藓却能狂野地铺盖了那一哩又一哩漫长的无人蹊径、最终集结成一股席卷世界与震慑天地的巨大力量。 That is the secret of life, the secret of the earth. Randomized, tiny spores drifting through the shadows eventually land in wet soil. Life might have bloomed from such humble happenstance. After an endless cycle of days and nights, Moss can sweep wildly across miles and miles of those deserted paths, becoming a powerful force to be reckoned with. 活在当代的2020年,相信这将是全人类深深刻划在记忆中的一年,也是集体意识在巨大的扩张之后回归到个人的沈淀与内观的一年。这些突如其来的转变让我们惊见人性中最两极的光谱── 黑暗与光明、慈悲与恶意、恐惧与希望,在在提醒了人类无限延伸的欲望与自然之间的冲突与急需和解的声音。或者人类的文明走到这里,已是时候让我们回归到一个对生命最单纯的思考:「活着」。 Living in the present time is not easy. 2020 is a year that will be uniquely and deeply engraved in the memory of human society. It is also a year that forces us to look to our inner selves in introspection after the exhausted overreaching of our collective consciousness. These sudden changes have illuminated the extreme poles along the spectrum of humanity— darkness versus light, mercy versus malice, fear versus hope, all at the same time— and serves as a reminder of humanity’s limitless greed in contrast with the great force of nature with whom we are now forced to make peace. As civilization has come to this, now it is time to meditate on the simplest and most essential tenet: “To Live”. 安溥始终跟随自己内心的直觉与不同人生阶段的体悟,勇于挑战更创新的表演形式且结合视听艺术的演绎手法,近年来她也将自身的感性转而关注于人与自然之间的关系以及公众领域的议题。基于这个以人为本、以尊重生灵为主体的创作理念,HTC VIVE ORIGINALS邀请安溥合作,结合近年来在各大国际竞赛中表现亮眼的台湾影像团队「Hi-Organic 有机像素」独特的视觉手法,携手打造一个开启全新感官体验的VR+AR展演计划。 anpu continues following her true instincts and revelations in each stage of her life. She always challenges herself with innovative art forms and visual and aural interpretations. Recently, she has pivoted her attention from self-expression to focusing on the relation between humanity and nature, and agendas relevant to the public interest. In concert with this people-forward directive, HTC VIVE ORIGINALS chose to collaborate with Anpu and the award-winning Taiwanese visual art team Hi-Organic, known for its innovative and cutting-edge work. Together, they aim to provide audiences with a new sensory experience through a VR+AR exhibition. 导演与影像团队期望藉由这个崭新的交互式作品,带领视听众体验一个穿越时间刻度与空间侷限的感受,以视觉与脑波连线,让耳膜与大地共振,透过这个在谧静的宇宙中私密的对话,体验一个超脱现世跳接未来的全新象限 。 The director and his team at Hi Organic will lead the audience on an interactive journey through limitless time and space with this innovative art form. The most intimate conversation between a person and the universe will be revealed by stimulating brain waves with visual graphics, and resonating eardrums with the emerging beats of the earth—together, lifting the audience’s experience from the present time to futuristic dimensions. 入世却出尘、擅以敏感锐利的直觉诠释人性与个人哲学的安溥,近年来推出的作品融合了更多层面的生命体验与瑰丽的意象。这首歌不是她过往所有作品里曾有过的形式,我们听见一种崭新的混合、如黑丝绒般的低吟与金属的光泽交错的质感,这是华语乐坛中还无法用已知的经验去定义与归类的曲风,彷彿在混乱中试图拼接回来的秩序、也是打破了旧有的形式与集体意识的变化重新连线的作品,引导我们去回溯万物生灵中最微小的回声、也同时是最庞大的迷幻想像。 As a down-to-earth yet extraordinarily inspiring musician, anpu’s sharp sensibility interprets humanity and philosophy with ease; her insight on life experience and magnificent imagery is integrated into her music. In a departure from her previous work, this song showcases a fresh mix of elements, reminiscent of black velvet’s softness intertwined with its metallic reflection. This original style has yet to be defined or categorized in today’s Mandarin music scene, and evokes a sense of order being puzzled from chaos. By breaking down old forms of consciousness, we are faced with the scattered and most essential echoes of life, and also the potential to create anew our grandest fantasies. 在歌曲的后段,藓以一种多部和声、近乎颠狂的姿态反覆唱着这句话:「you are perfect to me」。 藓的语言或许无人能懂,它也许是古老的智慧,抑或老庄哲学的观点中立而淡然地去看待人世间所有的流转变化。现下你认为发生的好事,藓回应你:「you are perfect to me」。而你抱怨当下发生的坏事,藓依旧如此回应你:「you are perfect to me」。正如人生中没有绝对的好坏,若遭受痛苦的你能在不完美的现下看见美好、在绝境中仍对未来有所期盼,也许那就是藓穷尽力气想告诉我们的生命之谜。 Towards the end of the song, “Moss” sings in layered harmonies as a group repeats in a frenzied chant: “You Are Perfect to Me.” Moss’s language may be impenetrable to humans, or perhaps, like the philosophical wisdom of LaoZi and Zhuangzi, observes the changing world with an aloof indifference. When something good happens to you, Moss says: “You are perfect to me.” Yet when something bad occurs, Moss still says: “You are perfect to me.” Just as there is no absolute good or bad in life, if you can still find beauty in imperfection and hardship, you have hope for the future; perhaps this is the secret revelation that Moss has been trying so earnestly to impart. 身而为人,我们如此巨大却也如此渺小。也许每个旅人在饱尝漫长艰辛的旅程之后,唯有漫步在闇夜的山林中才惊见遗落的星子、在关掉世界巨大的轰隆声之后,我们才终于听见藓在黑暗中的大声歌唱。 As human beings, we are grand yet so small. Maybe after a long and bumpy journey in life, every traveler walking alone in a dark forest will finally notice the long lost stars; after turning off all the noise in the world, we might finally hear the singing of Moss, so clear and resonant in the dark.


