Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails

Part 1. Stolen colors Paintsborough, an old town of colors was covered with the sun on that day. There were no clouds in the sky. It never had rained in the town. The air was shining as it was a brass tub, polished by Auntie Pollie One can find our little world a bit unusual, as this world does not bear dark people. All the people are just happy. Yes, truly! Just happy! Oh, beg you a pardon! I have forgotten to introduce myself - my name is Dreams and I am an ordinary writer. And a painter. A little bit. I describe with words and paints all I can see. I live, of course, in Paintsborough, Green Alley, everybody knows me. My house appears like a big balloon cause I love to go up in the clouds. In fact this balloon no longer flies but let me assure, you just come to me for tea and you will join the flight with me. Oh, theres someone knocking! Whos there? - Dreams, come on, we need your help! Only you can help us! You know, the Colors Feast is just around the corner, we need to get prepared! - said John, my young friend. He is just 13 but he seems a true town activist. - Moreover, - he added with enigmatic tone, - we have Circus coming to town! - Circus! What a fun! We havent had vagarious artists for ages! I was excited to the bone. Our town rarely listens to fascinating sounds of music. Last time when it happened, I used to be a child. Heh, frankly speaking Im still a child, but still this happened long ago. We left the house and went straight to Central Square. That was where the Feast was to be held. We passed Purple Megalomount street and Turquoise quarter. We left Aquamarine Square behind when we found ourselves at Johns place whose house appeared to be lemon cream-colored. Kids were running around across Main Street but midtown life was taking its time: its people were getting prepared their colors to the Feast. You cant imagine all the colors to be found here: Beaver color, Bulgarian pink, glittering blue, heather purple, deep coral, mountain meadow, pearly-white, honey sweet, even cardinal gown color and many a thousand of other shades! The paints were taking different shapes - they were solid, liquid and pouring as quicksand. The Feast was held every year being the most emotional holiday in the town - everyone was going on get together, imparting and sharing each other with their favorite paints.
