Flower'S Grave・花之墓

Flower'S Grave・花之墓

《花之墓,花之歌》 梦的雏形是脆弱 早已 万念俱灰 反噬着现实世界的幻觉 渴求着并不存在的共鸣 梦里有着淤青的天空 叮叮当当的玻璃星星 漆黑之花 召唤深渊 只为将一切破坏 诞生于虚无的万物。 从忘却的自身,分裂出悲伤的情感。单一,愈发强大。 阴郁的厚重感,流淌到每一处缝隙。过于喧哗和明媚,都是多余的。 被软禁在自由的牢狱,怯懦呼救。寒意浸透无形的铁网,锋利的勾刺繁殖着的无助。 用绳子勒紧的喉咙...发不出声音…被麻醉的身体...疼痛感逐渐复苏... 绝望根植于生命底片,调和着各种颜色,吸收世界的重量。 空空如也的手心,避之不及的人群。烧灼火光,催化着逆行的孤独。 梦的雾霭,无声起伏的水波。 身陷沼泽,无处可逃。 触摸不到意义。 花的墓地。 Flower’s Grave, Flower’s Song the embryo of dreams is fragile already abandoned to despair an illusion accusing reality longing for a non-existent sympathy in dreams there are bruised skies twinkling glass stars pitch-black flowers calling the abyss only in order to destroy everything Everything is born out of nothing. From the forgotten self splinters a feeling of anguish. In solitude, it grows stronger. A disconsolate heaviness seeps into every crack. Everything lively and radiant is needless. Confined in a prison of freedom, cravenly calling for help. A chill engulfs the shapeless cage. Sharp barbs breed helplessness. no escape.
