Spanking Sessions: The Whip
"Fitty Sense" is Detroit's Filthiest DJ Nasty's contribution to this release. The track has pounding drums. The 50 cent vocal sample gives the track a laid back feel while the synth sounds give extra dimension to this floor filler. "Hotbuttered" features a great original vocal not found in your typical ghettotech track. DJ Nessbeth, Germany's biggest player in the booty game, fills out the song perfectly with the rhythm section and thumbing bass line. "Funk is the booty slapper" of DJ Kronic is a booty bass track with funky bass line. It goes back to the beginnings of the booty sound with pitched up electro funk samples and short chants. With this track the release becomes a compilation of different approaches to the 'booty genre'. "You Better" is the result of the collaboration between DJ Kronic, DJ Zymotic and Miss Cleo. It's the perfect example of a "he said, she said" ghetto track. The player trying to act tough, but we all know she has the final word. This ghettotech track has a strong bass, electro type rhythm and is interlaced with funky Chicago drums. "Two Strippers each" lays down the absurd humor style of both Dj Kronic and DJ Chao Xin. A steady Chao Xin vocal leads us to infinite amounts of strippers. The track has pumping drums driving trough out the track. The lead synth sounds give the track a punchy feel, while the bell drop and small string hit give it a more laid back feel with high listening potential.