

從第一首Narrow Pass的吉他音符開始流洩出的時候就能理解Wellsaid受到那些黃金90年代的emo、math rock影響有多深,吉他和貝斯左右聲道展開對話的節奏,讓你能完全感受到那些埋在血液裡的精美巧思,這張不願妥協的五首歌EP既任性又熱血,清晰的Clean Tone吉他,漂亮的分解和弦與節奏樂器搭配,一切都是行雲流水般,你會想到Midwest Emo的代表樂隊American Football、Cap`n Jazz等,最後一首Stay Gold,豐富飽滿的吉他音牆配上旋律,讓那些黃金時代回不來的夏季聲響已經再次炎熱起來。 “Setbacks” is an EP about rolling with the punches. After writing “Narrow Pass” last year for split EP that was supposed to happen, I decided to flesh out the project with the help from Ponyboy’s Sung and Dixon - two musicians that I know are more than capable and unique. The point was to make fun and straight-forward music, after spending so much time in more delicate math-rock/emo projects. As it turned out, the songs that came after are less about personal relationships but more about daily struggles. Anyhow - it is what it is. We must thank Him (Group Studio) and Jay Tse for the audio work, and Morning Anxiety's Jimi for the awesome artwork. May the noise be with you! Lok.
