

当飘零的思绪行驶在音符中,胆小的时光躲在巷子里。 当终于完成了童年的梦想,童年却又成了梦想。 我喜欢用音乐讲述我的故事,观察生活,记录我的想法。或许这更像一次自我的介绍吧,因为我始终相信,拥有真情实感的作品才能被更好的记住。 欢迎你们加入这趟奇妙的旅途,跟我一起《腾云驾雾》... 对了, 我叫i7,很高兴认识你。 When drifting thoughts run in notes, timid time hides in alleys. When the dream of childhood is finally fulfilled, childhood becomes a dream again. I like to tell my story with music, observe life and record my fantastic ideas.Maybe it's more like a self-introduction.Because I always believe that works with true feelings can be better remembered. Welcome to this wonderful journey.Come with me mount the clouds and ride the mist... By the way, my name is i7. Nice to meet you.
