Danger Music, Darkwave, Chaos and Noise, Vol 947G (Strange Electronic Experiments blending Darkwave, Industrial, Chaos, Ambient, Classical and Celtic Influences)
Faithfully (90 second edit) - Llort Jr
Bayesian Multivariate - qarmaqarışıqlıq
Terrance Finds The Spice of Life - isixokoxoko
Xestnif - 99 Mxyzptlk
Gurgly and Fuddy (Borbetomagus) - Experimental Electronic Playground
Justification of Effort - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Alms in the Disengaged - Llort Jr
Systematic Ambiguity and the Abstract Walrus - Simple Chaos
gwgwgw 11 - aaar12tdf
The Nights that Say Knee (Shrubs Collectively) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Primary and Shear - Llort Jr
Thyingdom Comon Bendednee - I Am Not Here to Play By Your Rules
hob nob - Gerogerigegege
Eye of the Spider - Emno
Winaroo - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Induction of Theory - Delay in Reasoning
Classic BLT - Czarny Dom
Rubber Stamp - Chaos for the Ear
Time Out from the Standard Beat - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Esoteric Crux - Llort Jr
This Little Light of Mine - Anti-Music
The Year of the Consulship of Agricola and Clementinus CCXXX- Ab Urbe Condita - Anti-Music
CT vs IRT - Abstraktnyye Paradigmy
Sadr, Gladr, Happyr, Madr - A Brief Dissolution of Infinity
Chaos Redefined (Hey there is bass in here) - Industrial Music Factory
Voltaic Vociferation - pheap min chbasa
Wackelt Viel - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Ride, Ride, Ride the Tachypomp (The Moonbus was full) - Industrial Music Factory
Waltz of the Venus Fly Traps - Experimental Electronic Playground
Tragedy is afoot for Many Who Change Shoes (Vlick Vlock Vlacorum) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Syncategorematic Pteridological Diagnostic (120) - Skinny Putty
Anomalous Diffusion (quantum decoherence Edit) - Itchy Troglodytarum
Heavy and Ominous in the Pulsating Abyss - avante-garde
The Coral of Eels (The Generous One goes to Sarajevo) - Frank Pusher
1078 Molecularly Unstable Vestibules - Has Anyone Seen My Loofah
Marching into the Dissonance (Anenzephalia) - Not Anenzephalia
Lattice Random Walk (Wavefunction Collapse) - Chaos Meditations
Eschless Funnel - Chaos Meditations
Large Arpeggiation Jump Gates - Itchy Troglodytarum
Dilating Doorways - Industrial Music Factory
Song of the Black Hole Permeating Earth Atmosphere - Industrial Zombie
Heldambler - I Am Not Here to Play By Your Rules
Go-Reizei Ascends the Throne (MXLV) - Chaos Meditations
Sham Rock Asteroid - Experimental Quasars
The Entrance Fee is High (We Hope You Enjoy the Ride) - Bavarian Winter Variants
A Notch Below, A Notch Above - Emno
The Roster has Room for at least One More - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
CMXXXVII (King of the Islands) - NOISE
Sumwat - Llort Jr
A Frameshift Mutation - Mexico City Electronic Company
Majorotic - Velvet Voltaire
The Meditation of Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone (Awareness) - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
The Lines of Time Erased - Daffy Skunks
Purple Lambs - Llort Jr
Canon in Decalescence - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
vwqve1gwerrwe Frame - Elektro Kardiogramm
Forgotten Glip Clock - Glitch Factory
Non-Wave Click - Glitchy Click Sub Electronic
Totally Berzerk - Llort Jr
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters - Electronic Void
Sand Temple - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Shattered Star Dust - Dunkle Welle
Driving Nowhere Just to See if We Arive - Chaos Sampler
Throw it Out - Das Durcheinander
Bam Druss - Cranky Fish
Vestibules of Incongruent Disarray - Llort Jr
Broken Windows of the Soul - Carceri
Ineffable - storbju
Auto Dry - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Vlampa Dirsqnep - Black–Scholes
Wust - Chaos Music
Salsa of Xaos - Beauty in Chaos
Lispy Nub - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
As Though We Never Saw It Coming - Anomalous Diffusion
Asteroid Line Dance - Altibzz
Kuiper Suspenders - A Brief Dissolution of Infinity
Rain Upon the Shoe Lace - Llort Jr
Portable Rice Towers - Cosmic Water Tower
Xanthocarpous - Zip Nilla McZalla
Decrescent - Qaz Wasex
zzqfqf 15 - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Marmarosis - Stratified Cheese
Intrinsic Ethical Stimuli - Ascent From the Nevermore
Random Coefficient - Zarata eta Kaosa
Topsy-Turvy State of Being - Xanadu Descending
Slip the Notion Under the Winds of Time and Watch It Fly - Llort Jr
DoppleCyborg - Psycho Analytical Tunneling
tooter - Industrial Zombie
rispy limo - El Zombi
Alas, the Stranger Moments Become Our Norm - Don't Rush the Key of the Minute
Unraveling that Which was Never Tangled in the First Place - Itchy Troglodytarum
Hrloq - Quasi-Probability Distribution
Nonzero - musique industrielle
Social Comparison Theory - Zarqnon the Embarrassed
Dada Hanatarash Calculates His Derivatives in His Quasi-Probability Distribution - Joy Darkwave
M - Llort Jr
Non-symmetrical Tensegrity - They Call Me Bucky Paper