WADE DAO 即將推出的EP名為《WAVE.DAO》靈感來自於探索新城市時的音樂隨機播放、90年代的 UK Garage 音樂以及 WADE DAO 在台北成長過程中的舞者經歷。《WAVE.DAO》與跨域潮流音樂品牌 Melting Part 合作發行,是向舞動 (movement) 與銳變 (change) 致敬的作品。 在《OGTFH》熱度尚未退潮之際,WADE DAO 的第二首 UKG 單曲《KWDGD》轉向了內省之路。這次的節奏有意地變得柔和,引導聽眾進入一個介於虛實之間的極簡時空。WADE DAO 慵閒的唱頌詩詞,在節奏與伴奏穿梭點綴—— Park Hye Jin 和 Galcher Lustwerk 的粉絲們肯定會在這裡找到共鳴。 《KWDGD》的 visualizer 是與動畫藝術家 Gnetiy 和 Melting Part 合作製作,將導航變成了一次公路旅遊。WADE DAO 和夥伴們在城市中駕車,尋找未知的目的地,呈現出一個夢幻般的拼貼,帶領觀眾遊走私房景點和夜幕降臨後的台北。 WADE DAO's forthcoming project is called WAVE.DAO. It's inspired by the musical shuffle of navigating a new city, 90's garage, and WADE DAO's experiences as a dancer growing up in Taipei. Made in collaboration with Melting Part, this is a project dedicated to movement and change. Hot off the heels of “OGTFH”, WADE DAO's second UKG single “KWDGD” takes an introspective turn. Instead of gas-fueled distortion, the groove here feels intentionally softer, guiding listeners gently toward a liminal, minimal space. Somewhere above or behind the mix, WADE DAO peppers the track with laid back mantras. Fans of Park Hye Jin and Galcher Lustwerk will certainly find resonance here. Produced in collaboration with animation artist Gnetiy and Melting Part, the visualizer for “KWDGD” turns navigation into a family affair. WADE DAO and Co. drive around the city in search of an unknown destination. The result is a dreamlike collage that floats the viewers through secret hotspots, and Taipei after nightfall.


