2010年才满二十七岁的德国小提琴家朱莉娅·费舍尔,年纪轻轻却不畏挑战帕格尼尼这套艰难的作品。对于不熟悉她的人,或许觉得这是不可思议的大事,但对不满四岁就开始学小提琴的她却是稀鬆平常。二十岁便受邀前往美国与纽约爱乐合作,隔年就被唱片公司相中签约,发行的首张专辑不出几天就荣登德国古典畅销榜榜首。之后灌录的巴赫无伴奏小提琴与组曲更是佳评连连,让她成为欧美最受瞩目的乐坛新秀。 她的音乐才华早在十二岁时便已受到重视,1995年参加梅纽因小提琴大赛,当时还在世的梅纽因更亲自颁发金牌和最佳巴赫无伴奏奖给她。莫扎特的故乡萨尔兹堡更在莫扎特两百五十週年诞辰纪念音乐会中,选择由她演奏莫扎特生前持用的小提琴。儘管如此年轻,她已能掌握四十首大型协奏曲与六十首室内乐曲目。更不可思议的是,她还是位出色的钢琴家,2008年首度以钢琴家身分在德国法兰克福的新年音乐会登台,演出格里格的钢琴协奏曲,之后又立刻持小提琴上台演出圣桑第三号小提琴协奏曲,表现之优异,可说是史上难得一见的奇才。 这份录音,她使用的是才购入六年的瓜达尼尼1742年制名琴,藉此宣布自己迈入当代最出色小提琴的阵容,同时也成为史上少数灌录帕格尼尼二十四首奇想曲的女性小提琴家。她说这套曲目代表了二十四种不同的情绪,每一个小小的乐念都各异其趣,各有巧妙之处,也藉此与乐迷分享她的音乐心情。 German violinist Julia Fischer is recognized worldwide for possessing a talent of uncommon ability and as an exceptionally gifted performer, reflected in the numerous awards and effusive reviews she has received for both her live performances and recordings, including being named 'Artist of the Year' at The Gramophone Awards in 2007. Praised for her imaginative and illuminating interpretations of the classical repertoire, 26-year-old Ms. Fischer is equally lauded for her technical skill, with the Financial Times saying 'She may have spitfire technique... but in Fischer's case the notes are not an end in themselves but purely a means to expressing musical truths.' Julia Fischer confirms her position as a fore most virtuoso of the violin with her assured ascent of an Everest of the solo violin repertoire - Paganini's towering and fiendishly challenging 24 Caprices.