This Is Hazelville

This Is Hazelville

或许英国摇滚乐坛江山人才辈出,每年总有许多新名字冒出头被杂志媒体冠上"接班人"和"新希望"这类头衔;不过,能经得起时间冲刷,继续留下来发光发热的毫无疑问总是少数。这次来自英国伦敦,拥有Rik Flynn ( Vcl./ Gtr. )、Clare Szembek ( Kb./ Vcl. )、Mario Athanasiou ( Gtr. )、Alex Yeo ( Bs. )、Reuben Humphries ( Dr. ) 五位团员的 Captain 正式向所有喜爱英伦另类摇滚的乐迷们报到,倒也有许多特点十分令人瞩目。相信他们的特色与实力定能撑起这波复古浪潮的行偃,并朝向经典乐团继续迈进。 ★那麽Captain特色在哪裡,实力又有多少?我想,摇滚史上男女对唱(或男女双主唱)编制的乐队为数不多,直觉反应除了Fletwood Mac之外就是 The Mamas & the Papas,几乎被加州摇滚这块给填满。至于英国乐坛,想得到的包括EBTG、Shelleyan Orphan、Mojave 3、以及 Belle & Sebastian。这些乐团或许风格不尽相同;但肯定因为两位主唱编排出的和谐合声而展露特色。这样的特点如今落在Captain 身上,Rik Flynn与Clare Szembek双主音一唱一合所透露出的甜美流畅,放眼同辈已是无人能及,当然也成为Captain最大特色! ★ 值得一题的是,在他们的单曲"Broke"、"Frontline"、与"Gloriou"接连发行,如天将甘霖般风靡了全英国之后,大家恍然大悟原来这张专辑的幕后推手正是Trevor Horn!这位创造过传奇厂牌 ZTT,组过超级乐团Art of Noise,为 Paul McCartney、ABC、Pet Shop Boys、Seal等知名音乐单位制作过经典专辑的传奇制作人,毫无疑问地激发出Captain优秀的演绎创作实力,相信所有乐迷听过《This Is Hazelville》之后,也会毫无疑问地竖起大拇指,肯定他们的音乐! 2006 debut album from epic pop pioneers Captain, produced by Trevor Horn. This is Hazelville is an album populated by strange characters, intriguing stories and huge tunes born from the band's varying, eclectic and consistently passionate love of music with influences ranging from Burt Bacharach to Smashing Pumpkins. 'Frontline' is a beautifully constructed romantic pop anthem, 'This Heart Keeps Beating for Me' is equal parts euphoric and deeply sinister, while 'East West North South' details relationship indiscretion with both pinpoint accuracy and a Wurlitzer-like melody. And of course, the single 'Glorious' is an unashamedly uplifting and summery pop anthem with an unfeasibly big sing-a-long chorus, that will no doubt be resonating around this summer's festival audiences. EMI. 2006.
