Late Night Tales: The Flaming Lips

Late Night Tales: The Flaming Lips

LateNightTales is the perfect representation of what The Lips listen to, kicking back at home in Oklahoma City. The Flaming Lips’ infamous version of The White Stripes' "Seven Nation Army" (which has been eagerly sought after across the worldwide web since the group performed it live at the Hammersmith Apollo late last year) is featured as an exclusive on this compilation. Playfully dubbed, "Harry Potter’s and George W. Bush’s Severed Head Arm Mix," the wacky rendition takes sideswipes at anyone in range with febrile Lips-ian logic! Also featuring songs by Bjork, Miles Davis, Radiohead, 10cc, Nick Drake, Brian Eno, Aphex Twin, The Chemical Brothers, and many more – The Flaming Lips puts their spin on LateNightTales. 
