Another Music In A Different Kitchen
1975年成军于曼彻斯特的吵闹公鸡乐团Buzzcocks,素以顺耳的旋律、流畅的吉他,加上出自吉他手Pete Shelly抢眼的歌词成名,可说是早期庞克摇滚中最具影响力的乐团之一。启蒙于The Sex Pistols,但Buzzcocks并不具有The Sex Pistols那样怒声的政治色彩,反而专心著重在将他们的音乐广推至普罗大众。Pete Shelly的歌词以另类观点有趣而坦白地描绘了青少年青涩而苦闷的爱情故事,在嘈杂的庞克们正愤怒地大鸣大放时,反而使Buzzcocks显得格外突出。而其简洁易记的旋律也在多年后仍然深具影响力,多年后在Nirvana等后辈的音乐中仍依稀可见Buzzcocks的影子。 Buzzcocks的灵魂人物Pete Shelly与Howard Devoto,在1975年因同样对The Sex Pistols的热爱而相遇组团。1976年Pete Shelly跟父亲借了两百英镑录製号称音乐史上首张D.I.Y. EP《Spiral Scratch》后,Howard Devoto却离团、另组庞克团Magazines,Pete Shelly因此站上主唱位置,隔年签入United Artists Records旗下。庞克们的叛逆精神在Buzzcocks身上发挥的淋漓尽致。1977年十月首支单曲〈性高潮成瘾症Orgasm Addict〉因耸动歌名遭禁播、未能一炮而红,随即第二波单曲〈What Do I Get?〉一出,果然窜上英国金榜成为排行金曲。在1978年三月、九月迅速地连发《Another Music In A Different Kitchen》、《Love Bites》两张专辑,并在1979年初又展开第三张专辑《A Different Kind Of Tension》的录製,发行后随即前往美国巡迴,并于年底在美国发行单曲辑《Singles Goes Steady》。1980年,Buzzcocks暂停巡迴演唱,开始筹备第四张专辑,但因为唱片公司亟欲在英国发行《Singles Goes Steady》,引发了Pete Shelly的不满,而他竟然就解散乐团以示抗议。 对于庞克乐团来说,往往前几张专辑最能表现出乐团的中心思维。Buzzcocks首辑《Another Music In A Different Kitchen》开场曲〈Fast Cars〉在华丽的双主声奏鸣中开场、〈Moving Away From the Pulsebeat〉有吉他手Maher的流畅演奏、活力十足的〈Fiction Romance〉和吼声贯穿的〈I Don't Mind〉,最重要的是此辑中仍有许多Pete Shelly和Howard Devoto的合作心血。 General judgment holds the Buzzcocks' peerless singles, the definition of punk-pop at its finest, as the best expression of their work. However, while the singles showcased one particular side of the band, albums like the group's long-playing debut Another Music showcased the foursome's other influences, sometimes brilliantly. The big secret is Shelley's worship of Krautrock's obsessive focus on repetition and rhythm, which transforms what would be "simply" basic punk songs into at-times monstrous epics. The ghost of Can particular hovers even on some of the shorter songs -- unsurprising, given Shelley's worship of that band's guitarist Michael Karoli. "Moving Away From the Pulsebeat" is the best instance of this, with a rumbling Maher rhythm supporting some trancelike guitar lines. As for the sheer rush of pop craziness, Another Music is simply crammed with stellar examples. Lead-off track "Fast Cars" starts with the opening of Spiral Scratch's "Boredom"'s intentionally hilarious two-note solo intact, before ripping into a slightly bemusing critique of the objects in question. Most of the similar tracks on the album may be more distinct for their speed, but Shelley in particular always seems to sneak in at least one astonishing line per song, sometimes on his own and sometimes thanks to Devoto via older cowritten tunes redone for the record. One favorite standout: "All this slurping and sucking -- it's putting me off my food!" on "You Tear Me Up." Top all this off with any number of perfect moments -- the guitar work during the breaks on "Love Battery," the energizing yet nervous coda of "Fiction Romance," the soaring angst throughout "I Don't Mind" -- and Another Music flat out succeeds.