Early Choral Music at Trinity College, Cambridge
Regina coeli laetare (Marian Antiphon) (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Laetentur coeli (Advent) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Alma redemptoris mater (Advent) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Resonet in laudibus (Nativity) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Tui sunt coeli (Nativity) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Quem vidistis, pastores? (Epiphany) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Omnes de Saba (Epiphany) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Regina coeli laetare (Marian Antiphon) (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Peccantem me quotidie (Lent) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Timor et tremor (Lent) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Popule meus (Passiontide) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Regina coeli laetare (Marian Antiphon) (iii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Aurora lucis rutilat (Easter) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Christus resurgens (Easter) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Jesu, nostra redemptio (Ascension) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Regina coeli laetare (Marian Antiphon) (iv) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Jam non dicam vos (Whitsun) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Hodie completi sunt (Trinity) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Alleluia, laus et gloria (Trinity) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Benedictio et claritas (Trinity) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Justorum animae (All Saints) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Exsultate justi (All Saints) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Regina coeli laetare (Marian Antiphon) (v) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Maundy Thursday - Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio I: Incipit Lamentatio leremiae - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Maundy Thursday - Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio II: Vau. Et egressus - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Maundy Thursday - Feria V in Coena Domini at Matutinum - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio III: Iod. Manum suam - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday:Responsorium IV: Amicus meus - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday:Responsorium V: Iudas mercator - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Maundy Thursday:Responsorium VI: Unus ex discipulis - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Good Friday - Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio I: Heth. Cogitavit Dominus - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Good Friday - Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio II: Lamed. Matribus suis - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Good Friday - Feria VI in Parasceve at Matutium - Lessons of the First Nocturn (Tenebrae):Lectio III: Aleph. Ego vir videns - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday:Responsorium IV: Tamquam ad latronem - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday:Responsorium V: Tenebrae factae sunt - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Good Friday:Responsorium VI: Animam meam dilectam - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Holy Saturday - Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum (Tenebrae):Lectio I: Heth. Misericordiae Domini - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Holy Saturday - Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum (Tenebrae):Lectio II: Aleph. Quomodo obscuratum - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Holy Saturday - Sabbato Sancto ad Matutinum (Tenebrae):Lectio III: Incipit Oratio Ieremiae - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday:Responsorium IV: Recessit pastor - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday:Responsorium V: O vos omnes - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Responsories of the Second Nocturn of Holy Saturday:Responsorium VI: Ecce quomodo moritur - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 150 - Or soit loué l'Eternel - Soit joinct avecques la voix - Soit le los de sa bonté - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 7 - Mon Dieu, j'ay en toy esperance - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 1 - Qui au conseil des malins - Et semblera un arbre grand et beau - Mais les pervers n'auront telles vertus - Car l'Eternel les iustes cognoist bien - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 100 - Vous tous qui la terr' habitez - Sachez qu'il est le Souverain - Car il est Dieu - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 43 - Revenge moy, pren la querelle - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 62 - Mon am' en Dieu tant seulement - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 19 - Les cieux en chacun lieu - Et n'y a nation - Dont il sort ainsi beau - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 89 - Du Seigneur les bontez - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 37 - Ne sois fasché - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 134 - Or sus, serviteurs du Seigneur - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 34 - Jamais ne cesseray - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 101 - Vouloir m'est pris - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 110 - Le Toutpuissant à mon Seigneur - Le sceptre fort - Car l'Eternel - Sur les gentils exercera iustice - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 74 - D'où vient, Seigneur - Debout, Seigneur - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Pseaume 148 - Vous tous les habitans - Louez-le, vous cieux - Il en a faict un mandement - Louez son Nom, monts - Filles, enfans, jeunes et vieux - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Dixit Dominus, SV 191 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Adoramus te, Christe, SV 289 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Lauda Jerusalem, SV 203 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Christe, adoramus te, SV 294 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Laudate pueri, SV 196 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Memento, SV 276 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Cantate Domino, SV 293 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Beatus vir, SV 269 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Laetaniae della Beata Vergine Maria, SV 204 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Laetatus sum, SV 199 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Domine ne in furore tuo, SV 298 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nisi Dominus, SV 201 - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wachet auf!:Wachet auf! (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wachet auf!:Wachet auf! (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wachet auf!:Zion hört - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wachet auf!:Gloria sei dir - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland:Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland:Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland:Er ging aus der Kammer sein - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland:Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
In dulci jubilo:In dulci jubilo (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
In dulci jubilo:O Jesu parvule - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
In dulci jubilo:O Patris caritas - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
In dulci jubilo:Ubi sunt gaudia - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
In dulci jubilo:In dulci jubilo (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Vom Himmel hoch (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Vom Himmel hoch (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Zu Bethlehem - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Es ist der Herr Christ - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Vom Himmel hoch:Lob Ehr sei Gott - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Resonet in laudibus:Resonet in laudibus - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Resonet in laudibus:Singt! Ihr lieben Christen all - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Resonet in laudibus:Ehr sei Gott im höchsten Thron - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Wie schön leuchtet (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Wie schön leuchtet (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Ei meine Perl - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Geuß sehr tief - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Von Gott kommt - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Herr Gott, Vater - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Zwingt die Saiten - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie schön leuchtet:Wie bin ich doch - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Puer natus in Bethlehem:Puer natus in Bethlehem (i) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Puer natus in Bethlehem:Puer natus in Bethlehem (ii) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Warum toben die Heiden, SWV 23 (Psalm 2) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Herr, unser Herrscher, SWV 27 (Psalm 8) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Der Herr ist mein Hirt, SWV 33 (Psalm 23) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, SWV 29 (Psalm 84) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, SWV 35 (Psalm 98) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt SWV 36 (Psalm 100) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Der Herr sprach zu meinem Herren, SWV 22 (Psalm 110) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Nicht uns, Herr, SWV 43 (Psalm 115) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Ich freu mich des, das mir geredt ist, SWV 26 (Psalm 122) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Wohl dem, der den Herren fürchtet, SWV 44 (Psalm 128) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Danket dem Herrn, denn er ist freundlich, SWV 32 (Psalm 136) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
An den Wassern zu Babel, SWV 37 (Psalm 137) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge
Alleluja, Lobet den Herren, SWV 38 (Psalm 150) - The Choir of Trinity College Cambridge