Forever Beautiful: a collection of love for Orlando
这是一张专为悼念奥兰多枪击案受害者而制作的合辑,用音乐为遇难者默哀,同时表达对LGBT群体的一份支持。 这张合辑收录了很多来自全球各地知名音乐人及乐队的作品,而这些作品的收益将全部用于专为受害者开设的奥兰多基金会。 This compilation is a love letter to the community of Orlando, FL. Following the tragic events at Pulse Nightclub on June 12th, we wanted to show our support and love for our LGBT community the best way we knew how; through music. The tracks on this album were all individually contributed by the bands and artists themselves; artists from Orlando, New York, California, England, and all over the globe.