

“在漆黑的夜幕下,笼罩着一股令人陶醉的阴郁的孤独,有悲伤,也有些许甜蜜,《驱逐》正是一张充斥着孤独、忧郁和些许哀痛的专辑。作为《精神错乱》迷你专辑的下半部分,这组由我钟爱的乐器所演奏的个人录音探索了空间的外部延伸和还原主义的演奏技法,偶尔还会有孤独的大提琴的悲鸣回荡,结合着制音器踏板的脱离、位移和错位所抑制的琴槌敲击琴弦。这就是我音乐的生命力所在…“ —— 迈克•拉扎雷夫 “Beneath the dark veil of the night, covered in an intoxicating sombre solitude, somewhat sorrow and slightly sweet, ‘Dislodged’ is a place of isolation, melancholy, and a bit of heartache. Composed and intended to be listened to as the second half to the ‘Unhinged’ mini-album, this intimate recording of my beloved instrument explores the outer reaches of spatial and reductionist pianism, occasionally echoed by the song of a lonely cello, contributing to the detachment, displacement, and dislocation of a damper pedal, controlling the felt rail which muffles the hammers against the strings. This is where my music lives…” — Mike Lazarev
