The Tale Of Roan Horses

The Tale Of Roan Horses

Theme of this tale is a story of a blind girl and cowards’s heart-to-heart contact. We were inspired by these stories, Paul Gallico’s heartful novella “the Snow Goose”, Edmond Moore Hamilton’s weird novella “Child of the Winds”, Kaoru Mori’s romantic story comic “Oto-Yome-Gatari(The Bride’s Stories)”. I was think to want to provide the nature of the soundtrack for this album. It was completed in the first, it only already was a good things. But, it was for earphone’s music. Wasn’t interesting. So, I was change all the songs to the replay speed 0.9 times. I had deliberately distort the sound, because tried to express the microcosm of uncertain dream. also I wanted to make the album to cinematic as I recreate the scene of the dream that I have seen at the first. Like a movie in the 1970s … This work will generate the wide world in small enclosed spaces, such as living room and bedroom. and then It will make vivid world in your Microcosm. -kaz
