Braveheart (2K18)
德国电音大师Scotty与知名Trance艺人CJ Stone合体,为Scotty在2011年推出的版本重新制作新的版本。 他们邀请了Alex Megane、Sebastian Vee以及Money-G一同共襄盛举,打造不同的版本,再创神曲风潮,让这首歌与『梅尔吉勃逊』同名电影一样名留青史! "Braveheart" is not only one of the biggest movie blockbusters of all time, but the maintheme is also one of the most known audiotracks at all. SCOTTY took his 2K11 version back to the studio and added together with CJ Stone a great mixpackage to his original dance-versions. Scotty,CJ Stone plus Alex Megane, Sebastian Vee and Money-G round up the great package.