The Most Famous Speeches
This Was There Finest Hour - Winston Churchill
Resignation - Richard Nixon
The Moon Landing - Neil Armstrong
End of the Vietnam War - Richard Nixon
Inaugral Speech - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Announcement of the Outbreak of War - Neville Chamberlain
Cuban Missile Crisis - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
E = Mc2 - Albert Einstein
D Day Invasion - General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Hindenburg Disaster - Radio Broadcast
The First Atomic Attack on Japan - Hiroshima - Harry S. Truman
The Greatest - Muhammad Ali
Houston, We Have a Problem - The Crew Of Apollo 13
Ghandi Arrives in London - Mahatma Gandhi
In Pursuit of Peace - Stanley Baldwin
Postcript to the Retreat at Dunkirk - John Boynton Priestley
The South Polar Expedition - Ernest Shackleton
I Wish That Fdr Had Lived to See This Day - Harry S. Truman
They Gave Their Loves That Others Might Have Freedom - Field Marshal Montgomery
Here We Will Stand and Fight - Field Marshal Montgomery
Announcement of Victory in Europe - John Snagge
1936 Olympic Victory - Jesse Owens
All Here and Now - Martin Luther King
All Me Are Created Equal - Lyndon B. Johnson
Charity - Elvis Presley
Blood, Tears, Toil and Sweat - Winston Churchill
Presidential Campaign Address - Robert F. Kennedy
Nixon Kennedy Debate - John Fitzgerald Kennedy
So Much to so Few - Winston Churchill
D Day Landings - John Snagge
Radio Moscow Sputnik Announcement - Radio Broadcast
Fight Them on the Beaches - Winston Churchill
Electric and Progress - Thomas Edison
Nuclear Weapons - Albert Einstein
Nixon Kruschev Debate - Richard Nixon
Finish This Chap Rommel Once and for All - Field Marshal Montgomery
Che Guevara Speech - Che guevara
Farewell to Baseball - Babe Ruth
Eulogy for Robert F Kennedy - Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy
Edward VIII Abdication - Edward VIII
First Words Spoken into Phonograph - Thomas Edison
Message to the Women of Britain - Queen Elizabeth
The Watergate Tapes - Richard Nixon
Show Trials - Leon Trotsky
Goodbye to Fans - Alan Freed
Cuban Revolution - Fidel Castro
Franklin D Roosevelt Declares War - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Christmas in the Desert with the Eighth Army - Godfrey Talbot
This Is Our Victory - Winston Churchill