The Jangling Dischords of Our Nation

The Jangling Dischords of Our Nation

Before "Comfort Me, I've Lost My Heart" had a violin accompaniment, there were soft vocals and synth action to take its place. That soft descent back down to earth that marks the ending was also modified, instead giving way to an extended post-rock fireworks show. But, nothing really compares to the searing force of "Simple Reminder," undoubtedly one of the most cut-throat climaxes to ever cross the Atlantic. Light years away in space that track is ****ing up all sorts of alien spacecraft. In many ways, The Jangling Dischords of Our Nation was the sound of Upcdownc turning over a new leaf, condensing their wildly experimental and bloated ways, and really showing their full potential. Years later, we're beginning to see the fruits of their labor.   Key Tracks: Simple Reminder (Anger is Not a Good Motive); Don't be Sad that I'm Gone, Just be Happy that I was Here; Comfort Me, I've Lost my Heart.
