VAN DE VATE, N.: Hamlet (Opera and Music Theater, Vol. 6) (Vronsky)
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Overture - Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Who's there? (Barnardo, Francisco, Horatio, Marcellus) - Konstantinos Klironomos
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Enter King, Queen, Polonius, Hamlet, and others (Chorus, King, Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Good Halet, cast thy nighted colour off (Queen, King, Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt (Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Enter Horatio, Marcellus, ang Barnardo (Halet, Horatio, Marcellus) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Enter Laertes and Ophelia, speaking together quietly (Laertes, Ophelia, Polonius) - Steven Scheschareg
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: It is very cold (Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus, Ghost) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Where willst thou lead me? (Hamlet, Ghost) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act I Scene 1: Remember thee? Oh, yes, thou poor ghost? (Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act II Scene 1: Oh my Lord, I have been so affrighted (Ophelia, Polonius) - Steven Scheschareg
Hamlet:Act II Scene 1: Enter King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern and others (King, Queen, Rosencrantz, Polonius) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act II Scene 1: Hamlet enters, reading a book (Hamlet, Polonius) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act II Scene 1: My honoured Lord! (Guildenstern, Rosencrantz, Hamlet, Polonius, First Player) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: The King's apartment (King, Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Queen, Polonius) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: To be or not to be (Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: But sh! The fair Ophelia! (Hamlet, Ophelia) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: Love! His affections do not tend the way (King, Polonius) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: There is a play tonight before the King (Hamlet, Horatio, Queen, Courtiers, Rosencrantz) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: For us and for our tragedy (Prologue, Player King and Queen, Hamlet, Lucianus, Ophelia, Queen, Polonius, Attendants, King, Horatio) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 1: Tis now the very witching hour of night (Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 2: I like him not (King, Guildenstern, Rosencrantz, Polonius) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act III Scene 2: Oh, my offense is rank (King) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act III Scene 2: Now while he is praying (Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 2: He will come straight (Polonius, Queen, Hamlet) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act III Scene 2: But what have I done? (Queen, Hamlet, Ghost) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act IV: There's meaning in these sighs (King, Queen) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act IV: Safely stowed. Who calls me? (Hamlet, Rosencrantz, King) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act IV: I will not speak with her (Queen, Gentleman, Ophelia, King) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act IV: Where is the King? (Laertes, Queen, King, Ophelia, Messenger) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act IV: Our sorrows come so fast (Queen, Laertes) - Jolene McCleland
Hamlet:Act V: Is it to be a Christian burial? (Grave-digger, Grave-digger's mate, Hamlet, Horatio) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Dies irae, dies illa (Chorus, Hamlet, Horatio, Laertes, Priest) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Sweets to the sweet (Queen, Laertes) - Jolene McCleland
Hamlet:Act V: Oh, treble woe (Laertes, Hamlet, Queen, Horatio, King) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Here's the commission (Hamlet, Horatio, Osric) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: A table is prepared (King, Queen, Laertes, Hamlet, Osric) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Hamlet and Laertes play their first bout (Hamlet, Laertes, Osric, King, Queen) - Timothy Schmidt
Hamlet:Act V: They play for the third time (Osric, Horatio, Laertes, Hamlet, King, Queen) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Oh, villainy! Villainy! (Hamlet, Laertes, Chorus, King) - Alexander Kaimbacher
Hamlet:Act V: Horatio, I am dead (Hamlet, Horatio, Chorus) - Alexander Kaimbacher