

Companion opens with the cinematic “Quitter’s Raga”, a not-so-distant cousin of Lucky Shiner’s calling card “You”. Over the track’s all-too-brief two minutes, Gold Panda spreads Indian classical-music samples (sitars, tablas, sweetly chanted vocals) liberally over heartstring-tugging chord changes, evoking the fluttery feeling of spotting that special someone across a crowded room. “Back Home” (from the Miyamae EP) pulls its source material from what sounds like a late-night barroom slowdance—tinkling chimes, softly blown horns, trembling fiddles—and whips them up into a bedroom dance party. “Long Vacation” (also from Miyamae) opens with an unnamed speaker intoning “sometimes you make plans… sometimes they don’t work out,” and eases into a state of sonic confusion, all water-droplet percussion and frantic machine noises. “Win-San Western” (from the Before EP) smashes a gonzo drum ‘n bass rhythm up against a toy xylophone and somehow ends up with the chase music from an imaginary Sergio Leone film.
