Galaxy Incorporating elements of jazz, strings and lo-fi, this was a song written for a newfound crush under the alias of Galaxy. Samuel wanted to design a space-exploration type of feel for the listener, likening his navigation of love to exploring the unknown. “Maybe you’re a star, or maybe you’re a galaxy - it doesn’t matter as long as you’re my galaxy.” -- Samuel Hung Not limited by genre, Samuel writes music based on whatever inspires him in the current moment, whether that be a good story, a real-life situation, or even love. Inspired by the likes of Bruno Major, Cody Fry, Laufey, Keshi, and Billie Eilish, and using his classical instrumental training, six years’ experience in songwriting and producing, and Masters Degree in Film Scoring, he strives to make music with fused elements of orchestra, jazz, hip-hop, and lo-fi - Sleepy Music. 不受主流音乐的限制,Samuel 凭当下的灵感创作音乐;无论是一个小故事,或是生活中的小情节,甚至由爱情衍生而出的创作⋯。他受到Bruno Major、Cody Fry、Laufey、Keshi、Billie Eilish这些音乐家的启发,加上Samuel 年幼时期所学的古典音乐,为他的曲曲创作,植入不少古典灵魂。 从16岁开始创作至今,Samuel 累积的作品曲风多元;融合管弦乐、爵士乐、嘻哈音乐和 lo-fi 的Sleepy音乐,从2022年开始, 即将ㄧ首首为您呈现。