燎 (日文版)

燎 (日文版)

燎之方扬,披斩硝烟早已无可抵挡 燎已成势,无惧雷电自以火为浴 燎彻为光,暗夜即逝昂扬于山巅闪耀 摘星路途,伴层层淬炼,跳入风暴身披勇气作战袍,聚力而战,蜕变成无所畏惧的炽烈火鸟— —振翅,则天大风,是力量亦是曙光。 以“燃”之基底贯穿整首曲目,编曲中另外巧妙的融入民乐演奏,用竹笛、琵琶和二胡,营造贴合苏芮琪坚韧不拔的英气之魅。主低副高的组合形成了鲜明的对抗,那份永不停歇的能量从歌曲中喷涌而出。种种机缘与期待,促成此次《燎》日文特别版的释出。感念诸多喜爱、支持的同时,苏芮琪也将这份始终积极向上的精神带给同样坚持梦想的大家——只要信念不熄,便终会迎来破晓。 浴火之燎,能量之翼 栖梧饮醴,乘风上青云 Rising from the flame, heading into the storm, I shall be the queen of the sky. Let it burn. Let it shine. Fighting against the destiny, the proud of mine never dies. The single 燎 (The Phoenix) is all about return and rebirth. The Chinese character “燎” stands for a swift and unstoppable spread of fire in the wild, where as phoenix (凤凰), in Chinese culture, always comes with scorching flame. With the powerful yet well-crafted lyrics, the dashing chorus, and the accompany of traditional Chinese instruments including bamboo flute (竹笛), pipa (琵琶) and erhu (二胡) in the music, this dynamite track tells the legend of the destined rebirth of the immortal phoenix. Here comes the moment of the prophecy. Here comes the nirvana of the new hero.


