生活在柏林的电子音乐制作人/歌手Catnapp的全新专辑《Trust(深信不疑)》,已由传奇电子音乐厂牌MONKEYTOWN联手摩登天空旗下跨媒介音乐厂牌“ digi ”共同发行。 《Trust》是一份坚韧的证明。过去的两年对几乎所有人来说都很艰难,虽然让绝望的感觉渗透到自己的创作中是很容易的事,但Catnapp却选择拒绝向黑暗屈服。这位生活在柏林的阿根廷人决心要创造一些光明、充满活力和令人振奋的东西,没有什么能阻止她将人们聚集到舞池之中,即使我们面对的是一场全球性的灾难。 Catnapp的新专辑充满了未来派的流行音乐元素,但它提供的远不止简单的听觉愉悦。这张唱片大胆地打破了流派的界限,高密度融合了嘻哈、R&B、锐舞甚至新金属的元素。作为一个才华横溢而变化莫测的唱作人,Catnapp从不顾及世俗的眼光:她可以低吟浅唱出梦幻般的歌谣,也可以发出原始的尖叫,或者游刃有余地吐出疾风骤雨般的韵脚——而在这张《Trust》中,所有这些、甚至更多元的声音经常发生在一首歌里。如果你非要称之为hyperpop也可以,但“混合流行乐”可能是一个更准确的称谓。 同样不爱循规蹈矩、不按风格常理出牌的著名电子乐组合Modeselektor这次贡献了富有创造性的客串,并为专辑的制作提供了有力的帮助,但《Trust》中的客串音乐人还有不少。Catnapp的弟弟Wilo为《Br34th3》构建了节拍并献上了Linkin Park式的绝妙声音;同为阿根廷人的Methone在专辑的开场曲《Need This》中创作了闪光的旋律。来自法国的迷幻舞曲/碎拍/流行音乐专家Aamourocean为《Stay Unsaved》贡献了一些五光十色的魔法,而美国说唱歌手John Debt则提供了一点讽刺意味,他在滑稽的《Skukinunu》中扮演了一个令人尴尬的音乐行业骗子。另一位阿根廷音乐人O.L.I.V.I.A.则为专辑画上了句号,她在西班牙语歌曲《Despierta》中的低吟浅唱充满魅惑,在这首歌中,Catnapp抛开了自己多年来的顾忌,第一次用自己的母语演唱。 《Trust》的信息量接近超载,但同样,这也是有意为之。当下人们的注意力持续时间很短,外界干扰不断,要同时处理很多事务已成为常态,大家甚至只需按个按钮就可以浏览整个音乐史——这张专辑正诞生于这样的时代:它在忙乱的现代生活中应运而生,进入到一边戴着耳机听音乐、一边奔波劳碌的人支离破碎的大脑空间。要接收的信息太多,但有赖于Catnapp和她非凡的音乐才华,《Trust》感觉更像是一次高功率的能量加持,而绝非一张让人随便听听而已的专辑。 Berlin-based electronic music producer/singer Catnapp's new album Trust has been released by legendary electronic music label MONKEYTOWN and Modern Sky's transmedia music label “ digi ”. Trust is a testament to resilience. The past two years have been tough for just about everyone, and while it would have been easy for Catnapp to let feelings of despair soak into her creative process, she refused to succumb to darkness. The Berlin-based Argentinian was determined to make something bright, energetic and uplifting, and nothing—not even a global catastrophe—was going to stop her from rallying people to the dancefloor.  Her new LP is loaded with futuristic pop hooks, yet Trust offers so much more than a simple sugar rush. This a record that defiantly smashes through genre boundaries, hoovering up high-octane bits of hip-hop, R&B, rave and even nu-metal along the way. Catnapp—an accomplished shapeshifter who’s never been afraid to get weird—is just as comfortable throwing down brash rhymes as she is singing dreamy ballads or unleashing a primal scream, and on Trust, all of those things (and more) frequently happen within the confines of a single song. Call it hyperpop if you must, but pop concentrate might be a more accurate term.  Modeselektor—whose similarly mischievous, genre-hopping exploits are well documented at this point—provided creative guidance and lent a hand in the album’s production, but they aren’t the only guests on Trust. Catnapp’s little brother Wilo does his best Linkin Park impression (and constructed the beat) on “Br34th3,” and fellow Argentinian Methone cooked up the glimmering melodies of album opener “Need This.” French trance/breakbeat/pop specialist Aamourocean contributes some technicolor wizardry to “Stay Unsaved,” while American rapper John Debt provides a little satire, taking on the persona of a cringeworthy music industry phony for the hilarious skit “Skukinunu.” O.L.I.V.I.A. (another Argentinian) helps to close out the album, seductively crooning on the Spanish-language “Despierta,” a song where Catnapp sets aside one of her personal fears and sings in her native tongue for the first time in years.  Trust does border on overload, but again, that’s by design. The LP arrives at a time when attention spans are short, interruptions are constant, multi-tasking has become routine and practically the entire history of music is now accessible at the push of the button. Modern life is hectic, and Trust plays out accordingly, transporting into the fractured headspace of someone who’s listening on headphones as they go about their day. It’s a lot to take in, but thanks to Catnapp and her multifaceted musical prowess, Trust feels more like a high-powered energy boost than another item for the to-do list.
