Epic Trailer Music
Adrenaline Spike (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Adventure Now (No Choir) - Peter Jeremias
After the Big Rise (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel
Amazement Emotions (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Among All (No Choir) - Coon / Goebel
Among All (No Guitar) - Coon / Goebel
Announcing Something Big (No Choir) - Big Butcher
Arrival of the King (No Drums) - Graham Richards
Bad Boy Trailer (No Drums) - Dunn Ho Landrock
Battle Tendency (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Beside Osiris (No Vocals) - Ralf Gottlieb
Best Urbanic Cinematic (Less Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Best Urbanic Cinematic (No Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Big Ship Trailer (No Drums) - Tom Bruessel
Blockbuster Mission (No Choir) - Big Butcher
Blockbuster Mission (Underscore No Choir) - Big Butcher
Blockbuster Mission (Underscore) - Big Butcher
Blue Forest (No Choir) - Manuel Bitsch
Case (No Drums) - Lukaz Lezar
Circles of Emotion (No Drums) - Johannes Huppertz
Comic Heroes (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Conspiracy Alert (No Drums) - Peter Jeremias
Crossing the Line (No Drums) - Peter Jeremias
Crying Skies (Underscore) - Andreas Roehrig
Dark Intents (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Dark Planet (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Emotional Moments (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Epic Adventure (Underscore) - Tom Bruessel
Epic Fight (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epic Fight (Only Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epic Victory (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Epica (No Vocals) - Ingo Herrmann
Erival (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel
Eternal Empire (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Eternally (No Vocals) - Vincenzo Broccolo
Falling Strong (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel
Falling Strong (No Vocals) - Coon / Goebel
Famous Triumph (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Final Mission (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Fury Strings (No Drums) - Dmitry Sapelnik
Generation Hero (No Choir) - Andreas Roehrig
Geysir (No Choir) - Andreas Seibold
Ghost of the Dark (No Drums) - Dunn Ho Landrock
Glorious Warrior (No Choir) - Sascha Blank
Hope and Glory (No Choir) - Peter Jeremias
Hot Springs (No Choir) - Andreas Seibold
Idol (No Vocals) - Vincenzo Broccolo
Impossible (No Vocals) - Vincenzo Broccolo
Impossible (Vocals Only) - Vincenzo Broccolo
In the Zone (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
June War (No Drums) - Mariano Dimonte
Keeper of the Dawn (No Vocals) - Markus Gleissner
Last Hero (Underscore) - Dmitry Sapelnik
Last Kingdom (No Choir) - Ingo Herrmann
League of Champions (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Magical (No Choir) - Coon / Goebel
Mnute of Glory (No Vocals) - Vincenzo Broccolo
Minute of Glory (Vocals Only) - Vincenzo Broccolo
My Big Story (No Choir) - Peter Jeremias
Nova (No Vocals) - Lukaz Lezar
Offensive Attack (No Drums) - Coon / Goebel
Paranormal (No Drums) - Thomas Katzmarzik
Pinnacle (No Drums) - Thomas Katzmarzik
Poud (No Drums) - Big Butcher
Ray of Hope (No Vocals) - Manuel Bitsch
Shelter from the Storm (No Drums) - Markus Gleissner
Sonc Vision (No Drums) - Markus Gleissner
Steps to Conquest (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Take No Prisoners (No Choir) - Ted Kocher
The Final Battle (No Drums) - Gilbert Gelsdorf
Unforgettable Moments (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
Unholy Hero (No Drums) - Andreas Roehrig
United Powers (Underscore) - Andreas Roehrig
Up to the Sky (No Drums) - Bina & Ju
Walhalla (No Choir) - Coon / Goebel
War in Heaven (No Vocals) - Ralf Gottlieb
War in Heaven (Vocals Only) - Ralf Gottlieb
Way of Destiny (No Choir) - Andreas Roehrig
Weight Force (No Drums) - Lukaz Lezar