Eros Best Love Songs
◎ 意大利史上最畅销歌神Eros Ramazzotti,出道30年经典义式情歌全纪录双CD珍藏盘 ◎ 超值双CD收藏Eros历年来最动人、最受欢迎的情歌精选,32首美丽的情歌,包括〈I Belong To You〉、〈Una Storia Impiortante〉、〈Stella Gemella〉、〈Piu Bella Cosa〉等超级金曲,拿下义大利iTunes专辑榜冠军 ◎ 特别收录与意大利灵魂女歌手Giorgia合作的全新作品〈Inevitabile〉 拥有意大利歌神美称的Eros Ramazzotti,出道至今30年,是义大利史上最畅销的流行歌手。Eros从小受到父亲启发,对吉他和音乐有无比的热情,18岁参加音乐比赛赢得一纸唱片合约,1984年以《Terra Promessa》获得最佳新人奖,逐步打开欧洲市场的知名度。90年代Eros的音乐生涯更是达到巅峰,《In ogni senso》在15个国家发行、《Tutte storie》超过600万的销量,Eros旋风更刮到拉丁美洲,从此奠定了国际巨星的地位。 《Best Love Songs》收藏Eros历年来最动人、最受欢迎的情歌精选,甫推出就在意大利iTunes榜上夺冠。双CD共收录32首美丽的情歌,更特别收录与意大利灵魂女歌手Giorgia对唱的全新作品〈Inevitabile〉,其它如〈I Belong To You〉、〈Una Storia Impiortante〉、〈Stella Gemella〉、〈Piu Bella Cosa〉等超级金曲,还有邀请摇滚女王Tina Turner共谱英文歌词并与Eros合唱的畅销曲〈Cose della vita〉。Eros Ramazzotti从国民偶像歌手一路走来,克服内向害羞的天性,一步步稳扎稳打如今屹立国际舞台,以浪漫迷人的意大利歌曲和他的个人魅力征服英文流行音乐市场,吸引欧美各国巨星艺人飞往意大利与Eros合作。 歌神Eros的《Best Love Songs》,宛如爱神射中红心,让人砰然心动,无法不爱。 2012 two CD collection from the Italian superstar including one new track. This amazing album features all of the greatest love songs from Eros' amazing career. Eros is one of Sony's biggest artists worldwide and this is a fantastic collection. Includes the brand new track, 'Inevitabile', which was written by Eros Ramazzotti for Giorgia's album Dietro Le Apparenze: this is the first time the two artists have collaborated since the huge success of "Come saprei", the song that christened Giorgia, back in '95 at the 45th Sanremo Festival, as the first (and still unsurpassed) Italian Soul singer. Sony.