The Life
到Michael Jackson、Prince等人影响,一心想成为歌手的华盛顿小子Ginuwine(吉纳文),在鼎鼎大名的制作人Timbaland的提携之下,快速享受到成功的滋味。分别在96年、99年发行《Ginuwine The Bachelor》及《100% Ginuwine》专辑,全美累积销售超过400万张,缔造“Pony”、“What`s So Different”、“So Anxious”等流行榜上的发烧单曲。Ginuwine以纯净的灵魂嗓音,抒发R&B浪漫感性情怀,使他迅速走红于流行线上,尤其受到女性歌迷的喜爱。 拥有俊俏的外表,能唱能跳兼包办词曲创作,Ginuwine除了有绝佳的运气,他浑然天成的明星特质及能力才是他立足于乐坛的主要原因。在歌唱事业走出一片天后,Ginuwine开始朝戏剧发展参与CBS电视剧及电影演出,而歌唱仍是他的重心所在。经过一年多全心全力催生新的作品产生,《The Life(生活百态)》就在歌迷的期待下问世,惊人的黄金组合包括:Timbaland、Cory Rooney、Soulshock & Carlin、Ric Wake等流行精英,齐心制作出这张好听指数满分的专辑。 首支单曲“There It Is”舒缓悠扬的旋律装载着对予取予求的女友种种挣扎与不满;令人全身酥软求欢曲“Difference”,无限的柔情似水融化了一切;百万创作人黛安华伦献上“Superhuman”,倾听Ginuwine及背景合唱团打造美声极致;与Rap当红歌手Ludacris合作“That`s How I Get Down”,生鲜活现Funky节拍感染力十足。 On his third album, Ginuwine is even more of a practiced R&B loverman than he was on his first two releases. Big Dog Productions, Inc.and the team of Troy Oliver and Cory Rooney produce the bulk of the beats here, which, as usual, mostly range from slow to very slow tempos with such trendy touches as acoustic guitar passages. But all that just serves as a bed for Ginuwine's elastic tenor and his message to the women in his audience. The singer sounds like he's been reading women's magazines and tried to construct a persona that's as appealing as possible. "Baby," he croons in "Why Did You Go," "I'm sorry for whatever I've done and I want you to be my wife." In "Differences," he talks about how much he has improved since meeting the woman he's addressing, concluding, "I'm so responsible." Even when he's criticizing a woman, as he does in the album's first single, "There It Is," it's because she's not contributing to the relationship, while he's holding down a steady job and paying the bills. It's only in the album's eighth cut, "How Deep Is Your Love" (an original, not the Bee Gees song), that he begins to apply pressure for sex, ungallantly suggesting that if the woman doesn't come across he'll start cheating on her. "Show After the Show" is a come-on to a post-concert groupie, which seems to negate what's gone before, and "Role Play" moves on to kinky sex, but in the album-closing "Just Because," Ginuwine acknowledges the temptations of his occupation and pleads, "I'm trying to learn to be committed." It's hard to believe that anyone who's swallowed his line before is going to become skeptical now, so The Life looks like another winner for him.