梦想 让他们相遇 真爱 因他们降临 每一首 美声男伶 都让爱情继续… IL DIVO美声男伶2005最新专辑 Ancora 真爱再临 全球500万人安可奇蹟,英美等18国改写天籁纪录后...第二张跨语言新情歌美学钜作 席琳狄翁、美声男伶空前对唱,见证爱情英、法双语情歌I Believe In You 重新演译玛丽亚凯莉全美四周冠军经典励志名曲Hero、“第六感生死缘”主题曲Unchained Melody、“BJ单身日记”All By Myself ancora:意大利语法依然"(still)之意,延伸意思成为""安可""(encore)融合流行、古典与声乐的歌唱技巧,细腻的歌咏著跨越意大利文、西班牙文、拉丁文与英文的浪漫情怀,由美国男高音大卫、瑞士男高音厄斯、西班牙男中音卡洛斯与法国声乐家萨巴斯汀组成的美声男伶〈IL DIVO〉以独特的歌唱风格复兴了传统歌唱艺术的风采,证明了音乐永远是全世界最动人的语言。在不到一年的时间裡,首张同名大碟【IL DIVO】席捲全球500万张销售,先后刷新英美两地排行纪录,随后在全球13国排行称冠,并在25个国家打进前5名,从挪威与瑞典的皇室、英国王子信託基金年度慈善义唱会、美国脱口秀天后奥普拉、全欧最轰动的电视节目“Wetten Dass”、日本富士电视台超人气节目“Mezamashi”到世界小姐颁奖典礼都争相邀请美声男伶献唱。 2005年11月,美声男伶的最新大碟【Ancora】再次与首张专辑的制作群—Per Magnusson、David Kreuger、Steve Mac通力合作,在伦敦、瑞典两地进行专辑录制。这一回,美声男伶以西班牙的潇洒唱风为玛丽亚凯莉的冠军励志好歌""Hero(Heroe)""注入肺腑真情;用意大利传统声乐音色歌咏电影“第六感生死缘”动人老歌""Unchained Melody"" 历久弥坚的不悔真情;以古典式的浪漫情歌唱法还原""All By Myself""这首艾瑞克卡门改编拉赫玛尼诺夫古典名曲中的优雅气质。最特别的是美声男伶不但特地请到天后席琳狄翁合作了英文、法文双语情歌""I Believe In You"",同时还选唱席琳最受欢迎的法式浪漫情歌""Pour Que Tu M'Aimes Encore""。除了近代的情歌外,美声男伶也在舒伯特名曲""Ave Maria""与西班牙经典情歌""En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor""等作品中抒发复古浪漫情怀。 掌声之后,现在请你屏息静气,美声男伶式的绝美听觉体验即将再次赢得喝采。 Unbearably handsome opera-pop quartet Il Divo deliver another amorous collection of European housecleaning ballads with Ancora, an album so riddled with Cupid's arrows that it requires its own storage unit. Once again, David Miller, Sébastien Izambard, Urs Buhler, and Carlos Marin bring the love in Spanish, English, and Italian, emoting over classical and opera standards, as well as some notable contemporary compositions. They fawn over Celine Dion -- who can barely contain her own affections -- on "Isabel," and make Mariah Carey's "Hero" sound like the rolling of credits over a Jerry Bruckheimer action/tragedy blockbuster, all the while maintaining the perfect pitch and impeccable showmanship that are their stock-in-trade. Fans who flocked to Il Divo's self-titled debut and 2005 Christmas Collection need no reassurances that their boys are in top form, as a recent appearance on Oprah brought the quartet into the homes of millions of potential converts, but in this age of manufactured goods over artisan rusticity, it's hard not to look at Ancora as the classical crossover equivalent of a bistro-style TV dinner.