Dizzy up the Girl

Dizzy up the Girl

80年代中期组团而起,和Goo Goo Dolls同时出道的许多乐团,不是经不起摇滚风潮更迭而分崩离析,抑或销售不佳惨遭唱片公司解约,转到独立界继续发展。少数能够像Goo Goo Dolls奋战超过35年还屹立不摇,2002-2013年间发行的专辑全数挺入告示牌流行榜前10强之林,入围4次葛莱美奖礼讚,创下全球1500万销售量,灵魂核心人物John Rzeznik于2008年成为【创作名人殿堂】终身会员! 出道之时取名The Sex Maggots的Goo Goo Dolls,在独立金属大厂Metal Blade Records支持下展露头角,其中1995年的专辑《A Boy Name Goo》缔造美国200万张销量,得以加盟华纳国际名厂,1998年推出Post-Grunge风格优碟《Dizzy Up The Girl》,狂破美国500万张,赢得出道至今最亮眼商业佳绩。其中替卖座电影《X情人》演唱重点衬乐〈Iris〉,不仅拿下18週点播榜冠军,更入围41届葛莱美《年度最佳歌曲》、《年度最佳唱片》以及《最佳流行重唱/团体》等殊荣! The orchestral-pop hit "Iris" (from the soundtrack to City of Angels) proved the Goo Goo Dolls were no one-hit wonder with 1995's "Name." One listen to "Slide," the crafty, yearning second track off their sixth release, suggests the streak continues for Buffalo's finest. Not surprisingly, aspects that make the aforementioned songs memorable--warm, acoustic stylings; strings; heartrending hooks--also make Dizzy come alive elsewhere. Ultimately, the effort documents the band's continued migration from indie rock toward the mainstream. Thus, while "Slide" and the reprise of the wondrous "Iris" might shine for weeks (or even years) of repeated listens, attempts to keep alive the group's power-trio past often have a been-there/done-that feel.
