Good Time
缔造四仟四百万张的专辑销售量,夺下一座格莱美奖嘉冕,13座CMA+7座ACM乡村音乐奖项肯定的乡村界天王巨星。 包办所有词曲撰写的交出第15张录音室大碟,请到昔日合作愉快的Keith Stegall(Randy Travis、Billy Ray Cyrus、Aaron Neville)担纲制作。 首波中板主打”Small Town Southern Man”,已登上美国乡村榜Top5位置;如同驰骋乡野般畅快的”Never Loved Before”,请到Martina McBride美声对唱。 自90年代开始,走红美国乡村市场的Alan Jackson,仅仅17年的过程,便惊人缔造四仟四百万张的专辑销售量,夺下一座格莱美奖嘉冕,13座CMA+7座ACM乡村奖项肯定。小时候即在教堂唱诗班中磨练技巧,在80年代初期,他停止了音乐生涯,成为一名汽车销售员,而且还担任过建筑工人和铲车司机。直到他的妻子把DEMO带交给著名乡村界老牌歌手Glen Campbell,终让Alan顺利走进乡村音乐领域。1989年签入Arista唱片公司旗下,这时的他已过了而立之年。1990年发行第一张个人专辑《Here in the Real World》,白金的唱片销量加持,和四首前三名的单曲,很快使这位老新人成为乐坛瞩目的焦点。光是1991与1992年的《Don't Rock the Jukebox》以及《A Lot About Livin' (And a Little 'Bout Love)》两张专辑,就累积出美国超越千万之销量,自此奠定Alan于乡村界的巨星地位。 Alan包办所有词曲撰写的交出第15张录音室作品《Good Time》,请到昔日合作愉快的老友Keith Stegall(Randy Travis、Billy Ray Cyrus、Aaron Neville)担纲制作。踏着快意乡村步伐的同名开场曲”Good Time”,大声唱道经过一天忙碌工作后,需要空闲时间好好的释放情绪,Alan邀你随乐无拘无束的摇摆起舞;首波中板主打”Small Town Southern Man”,已登上美国乡村榜Top5位置;如同驰骋乡野般畅快的”Never Loved Before”,请到与乡村界****三少妇仙妮亚唐恩、黎安莱姆丝、费丝希尔同起同坐的Martina McBride美声对唱;”Right Where I Want You”、”This Time”等动人抒情小品,极具市场排行实力,简约朴实的编曲推砌出之感动情怀,细腻的将演奏与演唱间微妙搭衬,勾引出一道充满温热的气流。 Country superstars don't come any more reliable than Alan Jackson. Closing in on two dec-ades on the job, he still hasn't broken his string of strong singer-songwriter records, without ever wandering anywhere near the mainstream-pop spotlight. On Good Time, he doesn't push himself hard, sticking to the familiar themes of "Small Town Southern Man," "Country Boy" and "Laid Back 'N Low Key." When he gets hold of a honky-tonk ditty like "Good Time," he lets it roll on past the five-minute mark just to prove he can. Sometimes he goes overboard, as in "I Still Like Bologna," where he gets sentimental over cold cuts on white bread as a refuge from the world of laptops and cell phones. But his finest songs are always his romantic ballads, and the best one here also sounds like the one he wrote the quickest: "1976," where he sings about meeting his wife in the good old days when "Jimmy Carter moved to D.C./A Georgia boy just like me" and reflects, "Wonder Woman sure looked fine/Bionic Man was still prime time." Low bitrate averages due to the fact that this album is for once not mastered for sheer loudness; there's actually dynamic range, something quite rare in today's albums of the Loudness War era.