ERA SAIDS: 时说: First Element:「Cuprum」 其壹 「铜」 Dense metal with time WINE 与美酒同泽的致密之金 Second Element:「Carbon」 其贰 「碳」 The cornerstone makes fascinating LIFE 那万生千灵的最始之门 Third Element:「Oxygen」 其叁 「氧」 One both INVADES and CREATES 成神成魔仅仅一念之间 Forth Element:「Hydrogenium」 其肆 「氢」 It promises everything their POSSIBILITIES 其允诺万物自己的奇迹 And then the time retains flying, When combining in the time flood, They didn't tell thier own stories, Only for the mallache on gold. Sentient creatures ode for the born, but roaring with fear and anger, For the day they pass away, Nothing would escape from time‘s flushing. 时间之翼于空中舞动, 在钟声之言的洪流里相会, 默示者们不言其过往, 仅为那赤金上的一抹翠绿。 芸芸众生为新生欢颂, 却一同带着怒火恐惧咆哮, 只是于那消逝之日时, 虚无也无法逃脱时间冲刷。 But we have saw the words appearing on the only—— 但后来者们却承其启示于那唯一的 —— 「THE MALACHITE」 「孔雀石」之碑 Mastering:UnD3ath Illustration:UnD3ath Cover Design:UnD3ath Poet:SUBTLABLE Composer:UnD3ath/5@7ura70r/SUBTLABLE/Norah·C/Hydorian/izumu_ku Ultra Noise Design Present