

There's not much to distinguish Combustible Edison's second album from their debut. It's another menu of cocktail-nation pop, both vocal and instrumental, with nods to exotica, '60s European soundtracks, bossa nova, the goofy kinds of sounds heard on early stereo demonstration records, and such. Because the genres they're aping were so superficial to begin with, there's not much point in dismissing this as revivalism. It's no more or less authentic than the original records of the '50s and '60s, so fans of these forms are about as well off with Combustible Edison as the vintage stuff. It's not wholly a re-creation, though; there's some melancholia and weariness to the torch vocal-influenced numbers in particular, which betrays an ironic, modernist bent absent from first-generation cocktail/lounge   Cocktail,鸡尾酒会音乐。Cocktail音乐基本上是50-60年代的那些不讲求艺术但却技术娴熟的音乐类型(如Exotica、Space Age Pop以及Lounge Music)的一种复兴。90年代早期出现的诸如Combustible Edison这样的Cocktail乐队在音乐上都倾向于采用休闲风格的声音创作自己的音乐作品并深情地予以演绎。这种音乐算是独立音乐中的小众音乐了。这种音乐很有一种酒会音乐的气质,休闲和放松心情。
