Elements 13
The closer they come the harder they hit. Step by step, beat by beat ZEHN's Elements continue their voyage towards the blue planet. Will we get lost on board of the deep-space rocket that is Against the A.I. „Transmission”. Against the A.I. is having his debut on the ZEHN rocket which is nor from this planet... We might. We might lose ourselves in Bormacher's soothing yet fatalistic vocals on “Maya". This song is pure meditation and the beauty of organic. But maybe we can withstand it for a while. Maybe. Add Us - „Endless" leads us further and further down the path - to oblivion. Particles are shaken by the enormous „Zerotonin" eruption caused by Stil & Bense. Suddenly, it gets quiet for a while. Nothing matters anymore, apart from this particular moment as Andy Lansky's „Carpathia" hails in the dark. We enter Michta and Callitale „Makalu". It is hypnotic up here. But we are woken up yet again, only to be catapulted to new dimensions. Will we get lost? Probably, we will. In the best way possible, though distributed by HS Consulting & Distribution GmbH // Housesession GmbH