*舞国子民望穿秋水终极天碟,德意志电音天王睽违五年倾力钜作 *连庄DJ杂志百大首席超级天皇,全球超过四千万专辑销量 *Owl City主唱Adam Young、Arty、Sarah Howells共襄盛举 Paul van Dyk,一个在电子乐界早己家喻户晓的名字,在舞曲乐迷眼中几乎和Trance划上等号的神格人物,从在柏林当地Club担任DJ开始接触舞曲创作,并以「Vision of Shiva」化名推出作品,直到启用PvD的名号在主流舞曲界成为无人不知的超级巨星、连续两年稳坐DJ Mag百大票选冠军,难以数计的奖项和荣耀,称之为德国电子乐坛的传奇,绝对一点也不为过。儘管2007年《In Between》后长达五年的时间未有新作问巿,但Paul van Dyk可也没閒著,除了巡迴打碟外,由他操刀的混音选辑,也让乐迷们领教到他出神入化的DJ功力。过去的五张专辑裡,Paul van Dyk已完美展现将Trance舞曲与当下潮流元素融合的功力,而这回命名为《Evolution》的第六张专辑,更能强烈感受到PvD与时代接轨的全新进化形态。首曲〈Symmetries〉以PvD招牌式的简约悦耳旋律,引导出越发澎湃高涨的出神律动;作为首波主打单曲的〈Eternity〉,在Owl City主唱Adam Young清亮的嗓音助威之下,成为未来感和渲染力兼具的电舞流行曲;磅礡Trance旋律和电子重拍下疾行的〈Verano〉,颇有早期PvD作品的成色在内;由美藉另类女歌手Plumb献声的〈I Don’t Deserve You〉,以大量的情感氛围营造,加上唯美电子音色佈置,勾勒出动人的声像画面。结合大量人声与时兴音乐素材,《Evolution》将Electro/Disco/Rock等元素化为恰如其分的完美配角,加上Sue McLaren、Arty、Austin Leeds与Sarah Howells等好手热情助阵,共同打造完成Paul van Dyk的进化宣言! Evolution, Paul van Dyk's sixth artist album, is to be released April 3, 2012. A document of where Paul is with his own musical evolution after twenty years of making music, the record features numerous collaborations including vocalists like Plumb and Adam Young of Owl City and up-and-coming international DJs and producers like Arty and Giuseppe Ottaviani. The album will be released both as a digipak CD and in a rich 180 gram double LP version both of which feature sumptuous artwork that takes the evolution concept one step further focusing on a future Earth where nature and technology collide in unexpected ways. The CD/DVD version contains the 15 track audio version along with a DVD featuring visuals and videos inspired by Evolution.