一念結果 Choose Wisely
人生不同道路環環相扣,前路是好是壞,端看自己的選擇。 然而,正因為道路錯綜複雜,你的每一個選擇都可能會像漣漪般牽連甚廣,顛覆往後的每段歷程,而且不可逆轉。 牽一髮而動全身,一著不慎,滿盤皆輸—— 你又會如何抉擇? Paths of life are intertwined like an intricate map, forcing you to make choices. But be careful - a single action, or even a single thought, could cause a chain of irreversible consequences that lead to a completely different future. For a happy one, choose wisely.