The Real Thing
*史上第一位非裔黑人美国小姐,影、歌、视、百老汇四栖全才的演艺天后 *奥斯卡得奖歌曲"The Color Of The Wind"主唱,东尼奖、艾美奖、16次葛莱美提名 *超级製作人Babyface领军操刀,揉合R&B、Soul、Jazz、Salsa、Samba、Bossa nova等曲风的绝媚大碟 姣好的身段与外貌让她当上史上第一位非裔黑人美国小姐;动人的嗓音让她得到迪士尼的赏识,演唱动画电影「风中奇缘」主题曲"The Color Of The Wind";精湛的演技让她悠游于好莱坞与百老汇,近年更以影集「Ugly Betty」中的邪恶杂志创意总监一角,重回镁光灯焦点,她是Vanessa Williams,艺坛最美丽的一颗黑珍珠。 曾因为史上第一位非裔黑人美国小姐的光环风光一时,也因为裸照风波渡过了一段低潮期,这些起伏人生的经历都化成Vanessa歌声的力量!1988年发行的「The Right Stuff」有好几首单曲打入排行榜,销售突破金唱片,同时入围3项葛莱美奖,其中包括年度最佳新人奖。接著在1991年发行的「The Comfort Zone」更完美成熟的表现将Vanessa推上歌唱事业高峰,其中一曲蝉联告示牌单曲榜5週冠军的心碎情歌经典"Save The Best For Last"成为Vanessa的歌唱代表作,让她荣获包括年度最佳唱片、年度最佳歌曲、年度最佳女歌手等五项葛莱美大奖提名,而替「风中奇缘」演唱的主题曲"The Color Of The Wind"则为Vanessa打开的全球知名度,该曲更荣获奥斯卡最佳电影主题曲殊荣! Vanessa加盟环球Concord Records首张大碟「The Real Thing」,再展她超过20年历练的歌唱功力,超级製作人Babyface製作两首歌曲,分别为迷离梦幻爵士曲风的“Loving You”,以及描述精神外遇心境,Babyface亲自开金口合音的“Just Friends”。翻唱自灵魂巨擎Stevie Wonder的专辑同名曲” The Real Thing”,热情的森巴节奏为夏日夜晚注入性感气息。曾为Vanessa谱写"Save The Best For Last."词曲创作家Phil Galdston则贡献一首"I Fell In.”,Vanessa也将歌中的单恋情愁表现地淋漓尽致。拉丁乐一向是Vanessa最喜爱的曲风之一,"If There Were No Song"则表现出她少有拉丁风情。其他包括以Bossa nova为基调的”Hello Like Before"以及Salsa节奏的"Close To You"都是值得一听的佳作。儘管在演艺圈拥有多元身份以及多方面发展,Vanessa最爱的还是歌唱事业,就像她说的:「在演出『Ugly Betty』中渴望权力的杂志创意总监”Wilhelmina Slater”这个角色长达三季后,能够重回录音室,站在麦克风后面唱歌实在是很棒的事,做音乐的亲切感与乐趣都给我像回家一样的快乐。 This is Vanessa Williams' Concord Records debut and her first album in more than four years. In her own words, The Real Thing is "a potpourri of breezy Latin rhythms, sultry jazz standards and dreamy pop sketches," and delves into the sophisticated pop and R&B that have been the hallmark of her dynamic musical career. Vanessa has garnered a total of 16 Grammy nominations and sold millions of albums throughout her musical career. She continues be one of the most respected and multi-faceted performers in entertainment, who has conquered the musical charts, Broadway, videos, TV and motion pictures. Vanessa Williams can currently be seen in the hit television series Ugly Betty and in the blockbuster film Hannah Montana: The Movie. The Real Thing is produced by Grammy Award winner Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds, Keith Thomas, Rob Mathes, and Rex Rideout.