the human brought in another fish today. he is in a tank beside mine. I wonder what he thinks about. I wonder what he thinks of me. he is about the same size as me, only a little bit bigger. he has a deep blue body with purple and red fins. his face is white, but fades into the blue as if he had his face buried in snow. he has crowntail fins; so sharp they could cut through glass. the two of us are very similar. we have our water treated with the same chemicals, we eat the same food, and we both have a lot of respect for our owner. I think the only thing different about him is that his tank is a bit wider than mine and has light brown gravel instead of blue. his tank doesn't have a filter like mine does, but since we are bettas we don't really need one anyways. his name is novalis. nova for short. part 1 of the 水族館 series.