夢​の​中​で​失​わ​れ​ま​し​た [Ultimate Edition]

夢​の​中​で​失​わ​れ​ま​し​た [Ultimate Edition]

TBT058 夢の中で失われました [Ultimate Edition] The final re-issue of Saki's debut - "Lost In A Dream 夢の中で失われました." This release includes 4 previously unreleased tracks, as well as Dream #5 "免れる" which was cut from previous editions due to its length. Track #10 - "中空の貝殻" is from the unreleased "プラカット" EP. Track #11 - "より深い意味 is from the unreleased "プラカット" EP. Track #12 - "金魚の夢" is from the proposed, but never finished, Bedlam 25 Compilation. Track #13 - "真のエンディング" is an unused bonus track from the proposed cassette edition of "タンクの装飾" that was initially to be released on Smirk Sounds. Track #14 is a remix of 日の出 by ookiiani. DON'T MISS THE SISTER ALBUM, サイバー魚 [!] This album contains sampled material. [!] Saki the Fish, Kai Beckman, Ookiiani, Tiger Blood Tapes, and any other parties involved in this release do not claim ownership to the original sources used on this album (or any of Saki's albums). Samples are purely used for educational purposes to demonstrate what music you would hear during hypothetical fish dreams.
