Brother Bear
◎创作天王Phil Collins继【泰山】后,再度负责创作并演唱五首全新作品! ◎开场曲由沙哑歌后Tina Turner担任演唱片头曲“Great Spirits” 本片导演是Aaron Blaise以及Robert Walker所执导。故事场景在远古冰原时期的北美大陆,肯尼是印地安三兄弟中的小弟,因目睹大哥为了保护弟弟们而惨遭熊吻身亡,从此痛恨并猎杀熊,在一次行动中虽顺利复仇,却意外被一道的极光击中转身成熊,并且被二哥误以为是杀掉弟弟的凶手,而被二哥疯狂追杀,肯尼百口莫辩痛苦至极,四处寻找极光以恢复人身,他在前往的途中遇见可爱调皮的小熊哥达,一路上相互陪伴,发展出情同手足的情谊命运的矛盾与巧合,让他透过动物的眼睛,发现世界的新面貌,学习宽容与谅解地对待每个生命。 摇滚歌手 Phil Collins 继【泰山】之后再度帮迪士尼动画製作音乐,本片中 Phil Collins 不但负责写歌曲,还同时负责配乐。Mark Mancina 则也在音乐製作名单上。本片开场曲则请来摇滚女歌手 Tiner Tuner 主唱。 从筹备之初,迪斯尼就希望《泰山》的音乐制作班底能再次为《熊的时代》作曲,菲尔·柯林斯和马克·曼西纳愉快地接受了邀请。菲尔为《狗熊兄弟》创作了《凝视我的眼睛》、《没有出路》等六首新歌,继续保持了昂扬向上的风格,马克的配乐也更加豪迈宽广,表现出对自然生命的尊崇与赞颂。如果没有意外,三年多失意于奥斯卡音乐奖项的迪斯尼公司有望在今年翻身。 为了能让片中的音乐更加富有感染力,迪斯尼特地请来已经退出舞台的摇滚乐传奇歌后的蒂娜·特纳演唱主题歌《伟大的精神》,当年《黄金眼》的轰动,曾让沉寂多时的蒂娜再度受人注目,不知这次的《伟大的精神》是否能有青出于蓝的效果呢? Disney retired what was once Sir Elton John from the office of animated-film/adult-contemporary hitmaking and replaced him with the yet-to-be-knighted Phil Collins. A squire he may be but, unlike fellow composer Randy Newman, Collins is in no danger of writing intelligent and engaging songs that go largely ignored by the masses, making his Brother Bear score a likely Oscar contender. That's not to say that middle-of-the-road pop confections like "On My Way" and future American Idol standards such as "Look Through My Eyes" are devoid of craftsmanship — they positively radiate Hollywood gloss — it's simply indicative of pop culture's voracious appetite for audio fast food. Here Disney continues to regurgitate the same musical formula that fueled The Lion King by dipping mediocre pop songs into a heap of worldbeat dressing and dropping them into the public's open mouths like a mama bird. Collins, a talented and accomplished musician, does his best to rise above the restrictions of the cartoon genre by inserting some good old-fashioned Genesis-like prog rock into the mix. The exhilarating "Transformation," which features the heavenly voices of the Bulgarian Women's Choir, channels the superb work done by Hans Zimmer on the aforementioned Lion King soundtrack, and like "The Circle of Life" before it, its serpentine melody features prominently throughout the piece, firmly establishing a sense of place that is sorely lacking in forgettable exercises like "Welcome" and "No Way Out." Tina Turner utilizes the cool mystique that made Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome's "We Don't Need Another Hero" such a gem, in the lush, mid-tempo hymn "Great Spirits," but even she can't save Brother Bear from being, forgive me, unbearable.