![满堂红 (新乐府版)](http://p1.music.126.net/sdSmtpWqhwuXABKvoPnpLQ==/109951165692574163.jpg?param=200y200)
满堂红 (新乐府版)
《满堂红》本是流行于东北地区的秧歌曲牌,又称《句句双》。全曲节奏丰富而轻盈,旋律高亢且愉悦。本身就附带的秧歌属性,在现代音乐富有律动的低音的加持下变得愈发动感,让人忍不住地扭动起来。民族打击乐的加入与唢呐在音乐的最后形成了一唱一和的对话,通过旋律调性的不断变化将音乐推向最后的高潮。 "Man Tang Hong" (Full Hall Red) is a Yangge piece, also known as "Ju Ju Shuang" (double sentence), which is popular in Northeast China. The rhythm of the whole song is rich and light, and the melody is sonorous and pleasant. This piece attached to the Yangge attributes, in the modern music rich rhythm of the bass support become more dynamic, people can not help but twist up. The addition of Chinese percussion and suona formed a dialogue at the end of the music, pushing the music to the final climax through the constant change of melodic tonality. 演奏:陈力宝 编曲:周侠 键盘:周侠 鼓:葛维彬 打击乐:吴昊 出品人:卢中强 总策划:Nola 制作人:周侠 监制:卢中强 录音师:李林枫@CMH Studio/张瑞卯@CMH Studio 混音及母带:吴超雄@CMH Studio 录音棚:新乐府录音棚(北京) 文案:吴秋硕 视觉设计:赵畅@13MDS 出品:新乐府 版权提供:十三月文化 版权所有 翻版必究 (C)十三月文化 13-Month C&C