Lost Cause / Uncalled For

Lost Cause / Uncalled For

Emily James has come a long way both musically and geographically, having started her career in Nashville alongside powerhouse producers Ian Fitchuk (Kacey Musgraves) and Jacquire King (Kings of Leon). She's established herself as a true songwriter whose music has continued to blossom and expand into many genres. As she’s matured, Emily’s soulful essence has taken centre stage, capable of powerful, standout choruses that give way to tender inflections. Chapter 2 of the aLtErNaTeS, "Lost Cause / Uncalled for" details the beginning stages of recognizing issues in the relationship, but trying to ignore them and convince yourself that everything is fine. The two songs evoke alternate emotions by way of "Lost Cause" being the more “external” of the emotions, recognizing that you’re choosing to stay involved in this even though you know that it’s objectively a bad idea, and most likely won’t end well. “Uncalled for” represents the more “internal” emotion of letting romanticism get the better of you and feeling like even though it’s a hopeless situation, you can’t choose who you fall for.


