Bolton Swings Sinatra
So it's come to this: a Bolton record taking a page from Rod Stewart's successful career reinterpreting the American classics, which really isn't something new because Bolton's been doing it his whole career -- Stewart just had a brief phase to cash in on an aging baby boomer market that used to think he was sexy. Nevertheless, this is a treat for Boltheads to savor: a 12-song tribute to Ol' Blue Eyes from one of the late 20th century's most successful adult crooners. It's a session of well-polished, by-the-numbers renditions of some of Frankie's most well-loved anthems, including a duet with fiancée/Desperate Housewife Nicolette Sheridan. Bolton doesn't break any new ground here, but his consistent vocal stylings are comforting and resonate just as well as they did nearly two decades ago, when his pop career launched him into the stratosphere.