Sweet Kisses
一个充满情感的歌声,可以藉由歌曲榨乾任何潜在的情绪而令人泪水盈眶,而最让人倍感威胁的是这位达拉斯出生的Simpson才年满18岁,而她对声音的掌控力就算是Celine都会钦佩不已。"这是Billboard杂志早在1999年8月份的一期週刊中,对 Jessica Simpson的高度评价,而今 ,Jessica Simpson亦将藉由她在Columbia唱片公司旗下发表的此首张 个人专辑,网罗全球乐迷的心。事实上,自1999年的春季与秋季, Jessica便已相继两次跟随全球当红的偶像美声团体98 Degrees展开全美巡迴演唱,而自10月底起,她又受邀担任Ricky Martin全美巡迴演唱会的开场嘉宾,这对一个初出道的歌手而言,无非是磨练歌技与台风的 大好良机,同时也更突显出 Jessica更胜于同龄甚至前辈歌手的演唱实力。 此辑的乐风融合了流行、节奏蓝调甚至福音领域的音乐精髓。由Color Me Badd的Sam Watters以及Louis Biancanella (Mariah Carey)共同製作的首支单曲「I Wanna Love You Forever」,是首充满强烈情感且激 昂的情歌,展现出Jessica超龄的成熟音色与精湛的控音技巧,并已迅 速窜升至Billboard单曲榜Top 10内。此外,专辑中的精彩佳作还包括了Destiny's Child献声助阵的「Woman In Me」,媲美早期Mariah Carey那般纯淨高亢嗓音、与98 Degrees的Nick Lachey深情对唱的「 Where You Are」,以及节奏强烈、展现Jessica动感青春气息的流行节 奏蓝调曲「Final Heartbreak」,轻快舞曲节拍的「I've Got My Eyes On You」,以及Jessica参与谱写、献给其未来夫婿(虽然她还不知会 是谁)的「Heart Of Innocence」...等,宽广的音乐范畴,将Jessica 雄厚的音乐实力展现无遗,更昭示了她将成为21世纪的天后接班人! With divas Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston revamping their pop images towards R&B credibility, a new pretender to the throne was needed. Step forward Jessica Simpson, a Britney Spears look-a-like and early Mariah/Whitney sound-a-like (she even sends out a huge thank you to Tommy Mottola in her sleeve notes--Mariah's ex husband and the man responsible for Carey's early career). Initially dismissed as a Britney wannabe, Jessica's music has far more of an R&B-lite feel to it, with fluid basslines and guest appearances from scene luminaries Destiny's Child. Sweet Kisses is essentially a great pop album--plenty of belting ballads ("Where You Are", "Sweet Kisses"), showcasing the full impressive range of her voice and poppy up-tempo numbers which stop the album from slipping into slushy sentimentality ("Final Heartbreak", "I've Got My Eyes On You").