All Nighter, Vol. 8

All Nighter, Vol. 8

On the bright and early morning of August 12th, 2023, over 1,000 creatives began their 24-hour work session that resulted in 558 unique songs and 66 album covers. Musicians bounced out stems for each other and shared samples, visual artists scoured the Internet for fonts and graphics, and everyone excitedly buzzed about what would come of it all. The final result? 45 of the most outstanding, creative, and genuine tracks our corner of the digital world has to offer—with an equally beautiful album cover to match. The real enrichment lies in the act of creation. A piece of art does not have to be forward-thinking or never-seen-before, nor does it have to be better than the last; it simply has to be. To create something without worry of what others might think, to have fun with your work, is one of the greatest things this world has to offer—digital or otherwise. All proceeds from All Nighter Vol. 8 will be going to Out & Equal, an organization dedicated to workplace equality for LGBTQ+ individuals.
