***光盘仅在FANGAMER.COM售卖*** 链接 基于Toby Fox写给UNDERTALE的原创音乐 Ace Waters与RichaadEB联手为您带来了Undertale的翻版双专辑。整张专辑分为两个部分:红面与蓝面。 Rich的红面主打劲爆与激燃的标志性战斗曲目的金属翻版,Ace的蓝面主打氛围颤栗的场景主题曲及部分其他曲目的电子翻版,两面共同组成了《决心》。 Bandcamp下载包括额外曲目,曲目总数将高达31! 受Toby Fox官方批准 专辑封面画师:Satchell Drakes ***CDS ARE NOW ONLY AVAILABLE ON FANGAMER.COM*** LINK: Based on original music from UNDERTALE by Toby Fox Ace Waters and RichaadEB team up to bring you a double album of covers from Undertale. The album is broken into two parts: Red and Blue. Rich's red side features explosive and intense metal covers of the iconic battle music. Ace's blue side features chilling atmospheric and electronic renditions of each of the area themes, as well as a few other tracks. Together the two sides make up Determination Bandcamp download Includes bonus tracks, bringing the track total to 31! Officially approved by Toby Fox Album Art: Satchell Drakes