

After two highly acclaimed releases that have set standards in new age music circles for pop romanticism, Chris Spheeris has taken his style to new heights in his new collaboration with longtime friend and musical associate Paul Voudoris. "Enchantment" is right on the mark, a fully mature effort that paraphrases much of Spheeris's previous work while stepping off into uncharted territory with rhythmic twists and some truly emotional moments that carry the listener off in ways that are indeed enchanting. The use of instruments most at home in the classical arena provides the acoustic starting point for several pieces. Electronics and modern rhythms in turn push and entice the melodies to reach their fullest potential, interweaving themes that are unabashedly romantic, stirring and sensual in nature. The use of guitar, oboe, English horn, clarinet, flute and sax enhance over half the pieces, while the occasional use of voices is equally effective. 
