海姨(Helena Bonham Carter)-《The Guest House》(失眠音乐台)
欢迎收听失眠音乐台 我是主播Julia 《The Guest House》 翻译:@失眠音乐台 This being human is a guest house. 人生 就像一间旅舍 Every morning a new arrival. 每个早晨 都有新事物拜访 A joy, a depression, a meanness, 或喜悦 或消沉 或刻薄尖酸 Some momentary awareness comes 突然脑海中灵光一闪 As an unexpected visitor. 正如一个意料之外的访客 Welcome and entertain them all! 欢迎与取悦他们吧! Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture 即便他们用悲伤洗刷你的住所 掏空你的珍藏 Still treat each guest honorably 你也要体面地招待每一位访客 He may be clearing you out for some new delight 他也许会为你扫清阻碍 带来新的欢欣 The dark thought, the shame, the malice 那些黑暗的恶意与怨气 meet them at the door laughing and invite them in 也请在门口笑脸相迎 Be grateful for whoever comes 无论来者何人 都要心怀感激 Because each has been sent as a guide from beyond 因为他们每一位 许是自世外而来的领路人 睡不着? 不如进来听首歌❤