除了disagree, 如何礼貌表达你的不认同(Z君就是我)
学英语+V: ihavez 更多有趣英语知识关注公重号:口语控 -You see what I mean? -你懂我意思吗 -Yes, I agree with you to a point, but I think you should look into it before you start. -额,我部分赞同 但我觉得你还是在开始前 先仔细调查一下再 -Alright then. -成吧 -Trust me. It'll work. -相信我,一定可以的 -Well, I wonder if it's true that no one's going to check on us. Cuz there's a risk. -我有些疑虑啊 确定没人会查我们吗 这个风险是有的啊 -Come on man. No one does that. -拜托哥们 没人这么做 -So that's how I'm going to talk to him. -我就打算这么跟他说了 -Hmm, I don't think that's such a good idea. He's not an easy guy. You should think twice. -我不觉得这是个好主意 他这个人很难搞 你应该三思啊 -So we split the profit. What do you see? -利润咱平分了 你看怎么着 -I'm not sure whether it's possible. We'll figure it out later. -我觉得有点悬 这事咱以后再考虑吧