美国人常说的status quo到底啥意思?(Z君就是我)

学英语+V: ihavez 更多有趣英语知识关注公重号:口语控 Julie: I'm leaving for New York tomorrow. 猪力:我明天去新乡了 Tom: Excuse me? Never heard that you got this plan. Why? 烫母:你说什么? 我怎么从来没听你说过 怎么这样啊 Julie: You know I'm building up my career as a fashion vlogger. So I figure the resources in big cities like NY would help a lot. 猪力:你也知道我现在 慢慢全职开始做博主 我觉得大城市资源更好吧 Tom: But, what about me? Haven't you thought about my feelings? Or I'm never part of it. 烫母:那我怎么办啊 你难道都没考虑过我的感受 还是说我根本无所谓 Julie: Listen Tom. I love you, but I don't wanna be like this forever. And you're just so content with the status quo. 猪力:烫母我是爱你的 但我不想一直就这样下去 你太安于现状了 Tom: I bought a house for you as a gift. Forget it. 烫母:我还专门给你买了套别墅 哎算了吧 Julie: Wait, what? Where do you get the money? 猪力:等等啥? 你哪里来的钱 Tom: I should've told you before. My father's a billionare. 烫母:我应该早告诉你的 我爸是个亿万富翁 Julie: OK, I was kidding about going to NY. I love it here actually. 猪力:哎呀我刚才逗你玩呢 我才不去什么新乡呢 跟你待着多好啊 Tom: Really? Then I'll just sell the house. It's in New York. 烫母:真的吗 那我还是先把房子卖了吧 在新乡呢反正你不去了 Julie: .... 猪力:...

